
How long did it take?

How long did it take you to go from your lowest adult weight, to your highest?
7 years

How long did it take?

A few years, but mostly because I gained in two bursts of ~40 lbs that each took a few months. I also yoyo-ed quite a bit as I hesitated or changed my mind. Still gained over 80 lbs total.
7 years

How long did it take?

Around 1993 I was 137 lbs. Around 2007-2008 I was 230 lbs. I'm currently 223, trying to get past 230 again. So, that was 93 lbs gain in 14 years.
7 years

How long did it take?

I don't have a wide spread of weight but I was 125 in January of 2015, was 138 in December, then I got back down to 127 by March. I gained again in the summer, hitting 140lbs in September of 2016. Taking into acount the months I was actually gaining, I wanna say it took a grand total of 15-16 months. Both times I actively gained, I effectively gained the same amount of weight. The second time happened in about three months. Currently at 131lbs.
7 years

How long did it take?

How long did it take you to go from your lowest adult weight, to your highest?
My lowest adult weight was when I was 18 and only about 10 lbs overweight. By the time I was 21, I was in the 290s.
7 years

How long did it take?

I was 183-185 when I got married in 1983. I joined the military reserves and spent twenty five years serving, but my weight gradually went up, despite running every day etc. In 2013 I retired from the reserves I was at 207 lbs. Now I at 225 lbs. gradually gaining, just enjoying eating what I want and how much. I not sure how much weight I'm going to gain, just enjoying the ride.
7 years