Fat experiences

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

Many years ago, I saw a couple in which the guy was very fat and the girl was very pretty and slim. I was happy to see this arrangement as I had originally saw American women who were pretty and slim as vain and cruel. I realize that my idea was very one sided and stereotypical. However, I was a bitter nerd who was dominated by my emotions. This young woman was very kind. I thought they made a great couple. I to this day think that she may have been a feeder because I would always see her order something for him that had a high caloric content. Have you ever met someone who you were almost certain was a feeder or feedee?
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

Yeah, I witnessed such a lovely couple long before I learnt the words "feedee" and "feeder". I was on a 2-week vacation at the seaside, and noticed them at the beach (they were hanging around the spot I preferred to lie at all the time during my vacation). The guy was just ordinary skinny, but the girl immediately drew my attention, as she was literally bursting out of her small bikini. She had a figure typical of a upper-medium sized feedee: round, chubby bum, wide hips, huge love handles, two pairs of back rolls and a luscious fat belly. She did not look huge or obese, but more of a very well-fed. Nevertheless, her body was so soft and plump that you mostly noticed only her fat sticking out and hanging everywhere, her chubby rolls, folds and wobbles. She was jiggling her chub all over when walking. Anyway, I was surprised how they liked each other, always cuddling and necking while in the water. And in the evening, I sometimes spotted the girl at dinner in the hotel getting herself more and more cakes. It even seemed that she had grown her belly a little bit after 2 weeks, and I feel jealous when remembering them even now)
Cool. I like to hear stories like this.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

I'm pretty sure my first girlfriend was a bit of a feeder. Subtle things, like always recommending food to me, ordering "too many" extra appetizers at restaurants, and literally always had warm fresh cookies for me when I went to her house (and I was hidden from her mom bc of homophbia, so they were definitely for me). I was also a lot larger at the time and she was totally gaga over my body. I didn't fully understand it til later but there you go.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

I'm pretty sure my first girlfriend was a bit of a feeder. Subtle things, like always recommending food to me, ordering "too many" extra appetizers at restaurants, and literally always had warm fresh cookies for me when I went to her house (and I was hidden from her mom bc of homophbia, so they were definitely for me). I was also a lot larger at the time and she was totally gaga over my body. I didn't fully understand it til later but there you go.
At the time, were you kind of freaked out?
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

No not really. I wasn't super into feeding/wg at the time, just a little. I didn't recognize it in full until we broke up.

Once I also had a very good friend confess that she loved watching people eat right as I was scarfing down a meal after a long drive on little food. It was an interesting conversation and I immediately wondered if she was hiding something from me but if she had a thing for it then she doesn't now, and I wouldn't have pursued it anyway as I enjoyed our friendship too much.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

No not really. I wasn't super into feeding/wg at the time, just a little. I didn't recognize it in full until we broke up.

Once I also had a very good friend confess that she loved watching people eat right as I was scarfing down a meal after a long drive on little food. It was an interesting conversation and I immediately wondered if she was hiding something from me but if she had a thing for it then she doesn't now, and I wouldn't have pursued it anyway as I enjoyed our friendship too much.
I understand. I had a similar experience. Many years ago I dated a young lady who would always bring a pie or some kind of cake when she came over. Maybe she was just being nice. Who knows.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

One of my best friends has been with his girl for years but I keep watching her pile on the lbs. I would have to think he's into it at least a little bit but I actually asked and she said otherwise.

Kinda wish someone close to me would randomly come out of the fridge.

Lol same exact thing happened to me.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

I have a friend who was always a little chubby. She started dating someone and became really fat. At first I just thought was getting comfortable, but then I had dinner with them, and he was definitely encouraging her to eat more. When She objected I said, "No, I think he's right. You should have more of that," and gave him a wink. We've been friends ever since.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

I've got a co-worker who I suspect. She constantly brings in delicious, fattening, homemade desserts. She gets super excited when someone gets some and pouts if someone turns it down. She seems to take particular interest when I keep coming back for more.

Today she brought in gooey brownies topped with marshmallows and M&Ms. She sat with her back to them and would bite into a piece of celery every time someone got a brownie, as if to emphasize the piggy they were being by comparison. Probably more in my head than reality, but definitely hot.
7 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

My imagination and belly were fed again by this beautiful possible feeder. She brought in a huge container of carrot cake cupcakes. I ate at least 6 today and hid three for later, to her apparent delight. I'm left wondering whether she was just bored, or she's lurking on here and saw my post yesterday. Either way, I'm always happy and grateful.
7 years
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