
Tips for self stuffing

Any tips on how to keep eating past the point where you feel full, like stomach capacity tips or anything
7 years

Tips for self stuffing

I can tend to eat more if I make the food I'm trying to eat smaller originally
7 years

Tips for self stuffing

I can tend to eat more if I make the food I'm trying to eat smaller originally

What do you mean? Like make smaller portions, and just eat more of them
7 years

Tips for self stuffing

I can tend to eat more if I make the food I'm trying to eat smaller originally

What do you mean? Like make smaller portions, and just eat more of them

Yeah I think so
I did it with garlic bread when I was stuffed full (not trying to stuff myself) and sort of pulled it apart so that I ate smaller bits at a time
7 years

Tips for self stuffing

Give yourself time. I think a lot of novice stuffers go for a competitive eating style of stuffing where they try to beat the 20 minute hunger signal, and then get nauseous when it hits and quit. If you eat quickly but not rushed, chewing and breathing, and pausing to get up and move, you can do a lot more damage over a day. Eat, move, rest, repeat.
7 years