It is a lot, but it�s also not that hard to do. Even if the only meal you go super hard on is dinner, if that�s an everyday occurance, it adds up.
My record was gaining 5 lbs in a week, although I�m sure a lot of that was water, as I was as having some bloating issues at the time.
I agree, it does add up and she certainly wasn't trying. My personal record, that I'm aware of, is 7 pounds in one week. It was over Thanksgiving and was spent with a girl I was dating at the time who was pretty much a feeder without knowing anything about this kink. She took great pride in those 7 pounds (much to my surprise) and promised to beat it in the future - also to my surprise, and I don't doubt she would have tried and succeeded if we had gotten married. She would have married me if I had asked and sometimes I wonder if I should have. She was an amazing girl in so many ways.