Fat experiences

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?
It's not necessarily about enjoying humiliation, it can show a lot of confidence, or it might even humiliate the one who is asking impolite questions about your weight.

It would be nice to gather jokes or funny comments you have said about your own weight, you have heard someone saying about their weight, or just what you made up or fantasized about.

* A female friend of mine, who gained some weight in a very short time period, once said "you'll have to make your door larger if I keep gaining weight at this rate, if you'll want me to visit you" - she had not even half the width which would have caused troubles at my narrowest door.

* Other funny comments I would love to hear:

A women mistaken to be pregnant, replying to a "congratulations!" comment: "What for? That I gained so much weight? Oh, thank you!", or, "Thank you! I really had to work hard to gain this much weight!"

Asking for seconds at a dinner: "you know, this big belly needs a lot of food to be satisfied".

Being invited to a party: "Do you have chairs which supports my weight?"
6 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

It depends on how the joke is made. I was at a NAAFA convention where there were signs all over the elevators saying "testing in progress." We were joking that the testing involved filling the elevators with fat people and seeing if they failed or not.

However, one greeting card company came out with a card saying, "I exercise as much as the next guy, if the next guy is a fat lazy slob." Assuming that anyone who is fat is lazy and a slob is not OK.

Feedees and feeders do not represent the majority of the fat acceptance people. Most fat people do not want to be fat, and do not eat extra for the sake of gaining.
6 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

Feedees and feeders do not represent the majority of the fat acceptance people.

That's true, but they might represent the majority on this site.
6 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

When I am describing the need for a bigger chair or why I bought a bigger car, I usually describe the need to accommodate my "voluptuous figure". But I really enjoy telling waitresses that I would like a table because I am too fat for their booths. This usually brings a smile to their face and often a little bit of flirting.
6 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

If someone else draws attention to my weight or how much I am eating one of my favorite comebacks is; 'it takes hard work to keep up this figure'. Which is true... More than they realise. Of course nobody suspects I am gaining intentionally.
6 years

Do you enjoy cracking jokes about your own weight?

I do crack jokes at my expense. I just needed my plastic chair mat replaced at work as I am the only one to completely destroy it. So I jested about my size. A couple weeks ago I was at my office Xmas party and I wore a Hawaiian Xmas shirt I have worn every year. This year it did not come close to buttoning. Some co workers notice. I joked that I was staying with the company theme “of expanding “.
6 years