SoftInTheMiddle:For me, the most significant gain I saw was when I had plantar fasciitis (foot issue)
My wife has been dealing with exactly this right now. She's couch bound and all she does is eat. This is by far the fastest she's gained.Though, the truly unbelievable gains I've witnessed are always due to medications. Particularly drugs like Zyprexa. They hand that out like candy to girls dealing with anything from anxiety to insomnia to depression. It's not uncommon to gain 50-100lbs in 6 months on it.
Because it changes your metabolism, blood sugar levels and gut flora you gain weight at an exponential rate that even a seasoned stuffer eating twice the calories as you couldn't match. Had some girls in our group blow up from 100 to 300lbs practically overnight and years later I found it was always either Zyprexa or Seroquel.
6 years