
Sex (no creepy reply’s please)

You'll find there are LOTS of guys out there who will want to grab hold of your beautifully expanding belly and do what comes naturally thereafter!
6 years

Sex (no creepy reply’s please)

Do you still feel attractive? A decent chunk of "beauty" comes from the projection of self-esteem. On the other hand, if you hang out with skinnier friends in social settings where most of the guys around you are looking for the skinniest figures, that may cause problems too, lol. Weight doesn't make much difference if you date normal people, but if you date people that consider themselves super-hot and are just looking for the most waif-like eye candy, it can. On the plus side though, most of the guys that date women shaped like adolescent boys turn out to be gay later anyways XD. Most of the guys I know are in their late 20s or older, and nearly all of them prefer curvier, but confident, women, generally between 140 and 240lb, depending on height and preference.
6 years