Fattening others

Recent weight gain

Apologies if this is TMI, but.......

My husband and feedee has now gained enough that my picture is an accurate representation of us! His belly has grown by 21" in the past 2 years and he looks and feels incredible. We're both thrilled and excited for future gains smiley

How many pounds did he gain over those two years? Him expanding his belly by almost two feet has me very inspired.
6 years

Recent weight gain

Sounds wonderful, that's a considerable broadening of his horizons (pun intended), congratulations! Good luck with future gains, and best of luck for the future in general too smiley
6 years

Recent weight gain

Sounds wonderful, that's a considerable broadening of his horizons (pun intended), congratulations! Good luck with future gains, and best of luck for the future in general too smiley

Thank you! It's been fantastic adding this extra dimension to our relationship. All the best to you too smiley

Thanks! ... I must confess that l do love a good news story on here about how the fetish can be successfully accommodated into a real life relationship - provides some hope for the rest of us! smiley Thanks for sharing.
6 years

Recent weight gain

I forgot to ask, any fun reactions to his weight gain by family and friends? ... I'm sure he'll be carrying a few more pounds post Christmas!
5 years