Fat experiences

Butterball and the three chairs

I have four chairs - one spot for myself, and three for guests - and a sofa in my living room. Earlier today we had a couple visitors who took the sofa, so the little Butterball sat in one of the chairs. Big mistake.
Usually we both rise as a take leave. Butterball goes to the kitchen to tidy up what I've offered them, and that's that. Today, however, he just sat in the chair, which I found odd.
With the guests gone, he confessed out of embarrassment that he couldn't get out of the chair. His plump face was red, and he was in distress. It took ages to squeeze him out.
He's avoided the chairs the rest of the day, and of course ate a snack to console himself after clean up. He's too fat for some chairs at this point.
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

No, I'll just guide them away from those particular chairs. They're antiques so I'd like to keep them.
But I did feel bad for him. He was a little upset.
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

I can see how it would be distressing, but it is also pretty darn hot.

I assume that these were chairs with arms that were hugging his fluff too tightly? (As opposed to the situation of someone discovering that they need an arm to lean on to get up out of a low chair)?
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

Yes. It was hard to get him out without damaging the arms of the chairs. Poor baby. He'll be sticking to the couch from now on. It's better if the chairs are used for guests, anyway.
Currently I'm working on a little room for him to sit with a soft, fluffy couch - one that's good for sitting in for long periods of time - where he can sit and eat with a friend. But for now, the sitting room will have to do.
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

What about sleeping arrangements? It sounds like his mobility will soon start to decline.
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

Oh, no. He's still quite mobile.
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

I wouldn't punish him for that - that would be a little harsh. He was embarrassed.
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

I wouldn't punish him for that - that would be a little harsh. He was embarrassed.

This brings up an interesting question...

How do you punish a feedee?
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

Oh, there are many ways, though some have gotten more difficult since he's become so well padded. Still, I guess it's just an excuse to work on my cricket swing. 🏏
6 years

Butterball and the three chairs

I wouldn't punish him for that - that would be a little harsh. He was embarrassed.

This brings up an interesting question...

How do you punish a feedee?

Spank him!
6 years
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