Fat experiences


Anyone experience major snoring after their weight gain? Aside from sleeping so much more and apt to take long naps, my wife has started to snore since her big summer gain. Can get kind of annoying - but is kind of piggie-like, ha.

EDIT: Apparently, yes, is a common issue:

6 years


Yea...my wife when she gained all her weight snores most nights now. Same as you a bit annoying but sexy knowing it as well!
6 years


Yes, definitely. It's a price I gladly pay for her being overweight.
6 years


My wife has hit the same high weight point three times in her life, and each time she's started to snore as she got close to it, and stopped once she lost a bit. These experiences have been spread out over ~20 years, both sides of having a baby, changes to diet and exercise .... It really does seem that with her there is just a weight at which she starts to snore.

Do note that severe snoring can be a health risk; you might want to look into getting a sleep study done so they can get prescribed a CPAP machine (if they'd tolerate that).
6 years