
Accidentally got way too fat

Can never be 'TOO' fat smiley
6 years

Accidentally got way too fat

I have a friend who got too fat and is now dealing with some nasty health problems. I think each of us has a limit and you shouldn't cross it. Of course finding your limit is lots of fun but you have to know when to stop and be satisfied. His limit was 400 in my opinion, after that his body couldn't take it. Some people can grow a lot bigger than that without problems.

How big did he get?
6 years

Accidentally got way too fat

Darlene Cates (who was in the movie "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"smiley was large but still could get around fine and had no serious problems with it. Then she broke her ankle and was bedridden for a few months. She gained more weight as a result and even after her ankle healed was barely able to walk. She was not happy about that so I would call that "too fat". Of course maybe it helped her get that movie role, so there might have been some upside!
6 years