
Gaining styles -- am i missing any?

Trying to categorize the different ways of gaining weight. They are not mutually exclusive.

1. Accidental Gain -- where you don't intend to eat more or gain just happens, often due to a lifestyle change: leaving home, going back home, quitting sports, getting a new job, etc.

2. Experimental Gain -- when you gain weight to see if you like it.

3. Feeder-driven -- when you gain weight to please your feeder and let the feeder call the shots.

4. Gluttony-driven -- when you gain weight because you love to eat; maybe you don't want to gain but can't or don't want to cut back on the goodies.

5. Stuffing-driven -- Like (4) except the main attraction is not eating so much as getting really stuffed.

6. Weight-driven -- you gain because you want to be bigger.

7. Capacity-driven -- you gain because you want to be able to eat more.

8. Goal-driven -- you have a specific goal in mind, a weight goal, a level-of-functionality goal (e.g. "Too big to walk"smiley or morphological goal ("Big enough to pass the Wall Test"smiley.

9. Limited -- You want to gain or at least not diet until you hit a certain limit.

10. Erotic -- gaining or stuffing or overeating turns you on and you gain in consequence.

11. Anything else?

Of course, these styles can happen in conjunction or serially. E.g. 1,10+4+6 would mean you gained accidentally then realized you liked overeating and found gaining to be erotic and decided to let yourself go. 3,4 would mean a feeder started you out and now you don't want to stop overeating. 2+10 is if you want to gain a certain amount to see if you like it. 2+10, 4+5+6+7+10 means you gained experimentally, found you love everything about it and have completely let yourself go.
6 years