
Excuses to gain weight

Okay so, of course I know what this web site is about; goodness know I've lurked and been on here for over a decade. It's also very easy to say you should just go for it.

However, it's not always that easy. Sometimes there's judgmental friends, family, or other individuals who you see frequently or even semi-frequently. It's also not reasonable to expect folks to just always remove these others from their lives. They could be coworkers, a boss, parents, and so on. Family members are the real big one, since they may say things. Even if you could, you might not really want to.

Either way, often there might be possible explanations, excuses, and reasons. Sure, the real reason might be because you love to chow down on triple stacked burgers, a large pizza is your personal pizza, and/or you love to graze on candy all day and suck down cartons of heavy cream at night, but they don't need to know that.

This isn't about me, or you the reader specifically. I just want to make a list of possible excuses that may or may not apply to your situation. I've been wanting to make this list for awhile, but finally got around to it.

I'll start this off and hope I can convey a general idea of what I'm looking for.

- The Freshman 15, 20, 30, or 50.

- Pregnancy/recently pregnant/never shed the baby weight

- Side effects of medications

- Starting a new job and the stress involved

Any others? It's my hope this may eventually help those who would like gain but feel like they can't even try because of certain social pressures, though family members are the big one more than anything. Lot harder to be dismissive. I also wasn't sure if this should go into the "weight gain" or "general" board, since it's more for folks who would like to gain but feel they can't.
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

Getting married
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

Getting old! I gain weight so much easier now as I age, than I did when I was younger. Though all of these are reasons to gain weight.
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

I'm curious what other reasons this thread can come up with.

I feel like stress in general can make an excuse to gain weight, not just problems with work. My folks and I had to recently move because the landlords wanted to move into the house we were living in. It was stressful getting evicted and finding a new home.

Also... holidays maybe? I'm not sure people will question extra weight if you go extra hard on holiday dinners.
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

I can only relate to me, so here goes...

1. Lumbar fusion that limits my flexibility and ability to do physical things.

2. A bipolar/migraine med I take that my doc acknowledges makes me gain weight.

3. “It happens” as I shrug my shoulders.

4. I like to eat.
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

My wife likes to cook. Happy wife happy life.
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

it's the Holiday everyone gain around the holidays
5 years

Excuses to gain weight

I was thinking about this recently too. I think "learning to cook" is a good one, and also "bulking" is totally classic. Lots of people "bulk" and put on a lot of fat, so it's an easy thing to do. You don't even really have to go to the gym if you don't want to, just tell people you're doing some exercises at home.
5 years