Fattening others

What is it like to be a feeder?

Not to over generalize, but it�s just such a wonderfully hedonistic experience.

I like helping someone completely let go of all restraint and push until they literally can�t anymore. Then showering the person with affection and tummy rubs. I love a giant belly on a man so getting to give belly rubs is just the greatest thing ever to me. And then overtime there�s a bit of possessiveness when you know all the rolls and curves you love feeling on their bodies are there because of you.

I like the way you think!

Any experience in BDSM (SS&C)?
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

There's nothing hotter than feeding a woman and helping her grow and touching her new rolls
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

its a power trip for me. Watching a pig get fatter and more needy turns me on. I like controlling what and when they eat..
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

its a power trip for me. Watching a pig get fatter and more needy turns me on. I like controlling what and when they eat..

...and when or if they get there diapers changed I might add.
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

Watching someone give into a desire they have and yet won't admit, to draw it out and expand it, and watch their will to resist it decline and eventually evaporate. As my own relationship is D/s in addition, it emphasizes the obedience I require of him. In addition, watching them lose control over their own will is, well, very arousing to say the least.
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

I agree with a lot of what everyone else has said, especially Influx. But I also think for me there is a moment usually at the beginning of a good meal, where theres that anticipation of the food in front of you. The smells fill your nose, your eyes take it in; you raise the fork up to your mouth and take that first, sometimes miraculous, bite (if the food's good). It's a moment of extreme pleasure, and I loooove watching it happen in someone I feel close to, or am attracted to. I think in the back of my mind I just want to see that look on their face with every bite, although that might not be realistic. And if the person is trying to restrain themselves then it's hot because "just this bite" or "just this night" of food and those bites of pleasure will inevitably help them indulge more in the long run (if they are okay with that; I have only had relationships where the other is trying to lose weight, and it's always important to help your person with their body goals). If the person is NOT trying to restrain themselves it's just as hot because you know that there are SO MANY of those ecstasy bites to come, and each one will help that soft skin become a little bit softer, that heaviness increase ever so slightly, that indulgence widen a bit more, and that connection between you two, feeder and feedee, become even deeper, their body's hold on both of your minds getting stronger with each bite and every molecule of fat. Oof, there is nothing like watching someone you're into expand, and if you can help them do so it is like nothing else in life. Hits you right in the chest, and those goosebumps mingle into something of a whole body experience.
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

For me the greatest pleasure in being a feeder is when you don't have to feed!

The pleasure to see someone grow to the point that they accept they're a fattie now. The hedonism of being a glutton is so strong in them now that I don't need to constantly feed them; they're the ones sneaking out for fast food, constantly hitting up the vending machines at work, sneaking in snacks whenever they run an errand.

What was once a newfound developing "weight problem" is now simply the new normal. Everyone knows them as heavy now. The cat's out of the bag: they're an overeating fattie. Showing up to family events, they've had to "come out" to their family as a fattie. It's not a shock any more. It's not a problem. They've accepted their new identity, have totally let go and are introducing food into every moment of their life now.

She now goes out with all of the other fat women at work and doesn't need to hold back in their fast food choice or how much she orders.

You as a feeder got them to a point where they realize it doesn't matter if they eat a salad or 4 burgers. It makes no difference today or tomorrow; they're still going to be a big fattie. So might as well have the 4 burgers.... actually make it 6, nobody's going to notice at this point. 😈
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

For me the greatest pleasure in being a feeder is when you don't have to feed!

The pleasure to see someone grow to the point that they accept they're a fattie now. The hedonism of being a glutton is so strong in them now that I don't need to constantly feed them; they're the ones sneaking out for fast food, constantly hitting up the vending machines at work, sneaking in snacks whenever they run an errand.

What was once a newfound developing "weight problem" is now simply the new normal. Everyone knows them as heavy now. The cat's out of the bag: they're an overeating fattie. Showing up to family events, they've had to "come out" to their family as a fattie. It's not a shock any more. It's not a problem. They've accepted their new identity, have totally let go and are introducing food into every moment of their life now.

She now goes out with all of the other fat women at work and doesn't need to hold back in their fast food choice or how much she orders.

You as a feeder got them to a point where they realize it doesn't matter if they eat a salad or 4 burgers. It makes no difference today or tomorrow; they're still going to be a big fattie. So might as well have the 4 burgers.... actually make it 6, nobody's going to notice at this point. 😈
Ah yes i share this sentiment!

Feeding someone by hand can be hot at times, but truth to be told, that nearly always won't be the thing that packs on the pounds. It's the slow and gradual shift from fit and watching what they eat to lazy and overindulged. Of course you as a feeder should make sure there's always enough to eat, but it's up to the feedee to actually eat it all. Although some encouragement never hurts smiley

But in the end the feedee in question will have shifted to finding overeating and being obese the new normal
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

Watching someone give into a desire they have and yet won't admit, to draw it out and expand it, and watch their will to resist it decline and eventually evaporate.
Nailed it. The cognitive dissonance they exhibit during their changing desires and habits. There's still times my wife will say things alluding to the fact that she's not really THAT fat, she tries to eat healthy, she's in control, everything's going to turn around at some point here. Yet the fatter she gets she daily realizes there's no way she can give up the fattening food or her sedentary lifestyle - she actually loves it. Truth be told there's no turning back at this point.
5 years

What is it like to be a feeder?

Not to over generalize, but it�s just such a wonderfully hedonistic experience.

I like helping someone completely let go of all restraint and push until they literally can�t anymore. Then showering the person with affection and tummy rubs. I love a giant belly on a man so getting to give belly rubs is just the greatest thing ever to me. And then overtime there�s a bit of possessiveness when you know all the rolls and curves you love feeling on their bodies are there because of you.

I like the way you think!

Any experience in BDSM (SS&C)?

Im a sub for 2 dom feedees.

Its divine when we mix the 2 especially as I am the feeder

On how it feels?

Oh gods I love watching that belly bloat out and stretch whatever clothes they wear. Favorite part is making them wear smaller clothes just so I can watch it be torn to shred by their gut.

seeing my daddy doms get fatter and fatter and devour larger and larger amounts of food makes me feel divine

I thought you said one of them had died?
5 years
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