Fat experiences

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

A now-ex girlfriend saw me with my shirt off after not seeing me shirtless in a while and told me to stop pushing my belly out and I looked silly. I said I wasn't pushing, and I hadn't eaten much that day. She got super wide eyed. So hot.
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

I was several months into gaining when people started to notice that I was developing an overhang above my pant's waist band. So I must have put on thirty to forty pounds by then. The normal comment was "Wow! You're put to weight". To which I usually replied, "Yes, I know". As I continued to gain weight many people, particularly those who I had not seen for a while, made the same obvious observation. I found all this a great encouragement.

Once I became morbidly obese. The comments stopped. I think this was because people did not want to embarrass me. However, you could often see in their eyes what they wanted to say. This was more pronounced when I met a relative or friend from school who I had not seen for years.

Occasionally a child has called out in a piercing voice "Mum, look at that fat man". Only to be shushed as quickly as possible to avoid a scene. There is also a gang of teenage boys who congregate near where I live and they can be counted on to make disparaging remarks about my size as I waddle by. But for the most part people keep their comments to themselves.
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

I've gotten a few great comments from people, usually referring to me as big boy when I'm in the gym or whatever, but I'm adding a lot of muscle with the belly so that works just fine by me..

The first time though was when I'd gained about 15 lbs and my employers at the time (a bunch of complete assholes the pair of them) both said I'd gotten fat (one of them had to be about 300 to 350 lsmiley. I hated them for ages, out when I worked for them!
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

My ex saw me shirtless after not seeing me without clothes on for a while, and I had always sucked in and flexed before. I relaxed and she laughed and said, "stop pushing out your belly, you look silly". I told her I wasn't, she asked if I was bloated, I revealed I hadn't eaten in several hours and was definitely not bloated. " She suddenly got super wide eyes. Girl I'm seeing lately always stares at my belly when I'm bloated or shirtless.
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

I'm both dreaming of and dreading the day, as far away as it may be, when this happens to me. At the moment I seem to have forced a few pounds (maybe one kilogram) to stick on me. I've had to fight tooth and nail for it thanks to a turbo metabolism. But if I relax, my belly sits out by maybe an inch further than it used to. Half of it SAT fat and the other half visceral (which i hate). With another two inches, it will be noticeable I think. Especially in form-fitting shirts. I've been a slender figure all my life, toned at times. Once the first changes really settle around my waist, I won't be able to keep up this slight-sucking-in act, and people will know something's up in no time. I keep imagining waking up one day after another week-long stint of overeating, and finding myself looking bloated, only to touch it and realise it's soft and fleshy. Makes me squirm to think about.

I only wish I had a significant other to share it with, maybe even mutually.
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

I think it was sitting on the beach with my wife. She had always politely denied the fact that I was gaining weight. Finally though she had to acknowledge my (relatively) new fat roll pushing over the waistband of my bathing suit and said something along the lines of "yeah, I see what you mean...."
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

It wasn’t the first comment, but was the most memorable. I went to work one day and I was wearing a top that wasn’t tight but was form fitting. My manager goes on to say “OH MY GOD! You’ve gotten so chunky! We definitely need to work on that!” And proceeded to pinch my stomach. My other manager who was standing next to us started to yell at her that you can’t say that to people even if it’s true. I guess everyone noticed. It was a bitter sweet moment. smiley
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

It wasn�t the first comment, but was the most memorable. I went to work one day and I was wearing a top that wasn�t tight but was form fitting. My manager goes on to say �OH MY GOD! You�ve gotten so chunky! We definitely need to work on that!� And proceeded to pinch my stomach. My other manager who was standing next to us started to yell at her that you can�t say that to people even if it�s true. I guess everyone noticed. It was a bitter sweet moment. smiley

That was great how the other employee said “you can’t say that....EVEN IF IT IS TRUE”. Wow you must have been red in the face.

Who knows maybe your manager is a feeder and she meant “we need to work on that” as to we need to get your belly fatter?
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

Anyone not be recognized?

Happens all the time with my wife now. Even folks from a couple years ago, we'll run into them and they're a little confused at first "Do I know you? You look familiar."
5 years

Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

So, I heard a comment from someone that I'll need a tent to be dressed for the pool or beach this summer. Which us getting to be true...
5 years
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