Fat experiences


Finally had to install a ceiling fan above our bed this past weekend. Once the wifey crossed 200, doesn't take much to become a sweaty mess.

She planted a couple flowers outside and she came in and looked like she had jumped into a pool with her clothes on.

Anyone else start to avoid simple activities because "I don't want to get all sweated up"?
5 years


I mostly just go get sweaty. But I do put a lot of thought into clothes because of this. Either changing in and out of 'clothes to swear in' or being careful what I wear.

One lesson came from shoe shopping of all things. (Ironically for sports shoes). Belly had gotten big enough that tying up shoes made it hard to breathe, and the store was a touch warm. I was wearing a light grey that changed to dark grey when damp. When I was finally done (i have hard to fit feet, so tried on quite a few pairs) I had a dark grey line across my front from under moob sweat. So now, even to go shopping, I think about what I'm wearing and will it show sweat?
5 years


My company once had a food drive. We were casually placing cans into boxes and we had this very young gorgeous girl who was around 300lbs. And I'll never forget how profusely she was sweating. She had sweat stains under her massive breasts. And we were barely working, just bringing a can from one table to another. I wanted to reward her with an ice cream cone right then and there lol! 🍦
5 years


Do we know what causes this profuse sweating?
5 years


I’ve always been prone to sweating but it got worse when I got fat and out of shape. It’s even more embarrassing because I’m shaved bald and the sweat just runs down my head. I have a pretty substantial full beard that gets wet. I sometimes shake my head like a dog to get the sweat out.

I almost always wear an undershirt, especially with a light colored shirt. If I don’t wear an undershirt the sweat will soak my shirt and look horrible. It’s bad enough the sweat runs down my neck.. It’s worse now because my shirts are tight(er) and right on my skin.
5 years


A bunch of factors.
- moving more mass takes more energy, so every movement of a heavier person takes more energy than for a thin person, and most of that energy ends up as heat that needs to be shed.
- as mentioned fat is a pretty good insulator, and in particular as you get notably fat it tends to start showing up in places where we have major blood flows near the skin, putting insulation where other people have none (such as fat necks and knees)
- not a hard and fast rule, but a lot of fat people cover up more than their thinner colleagues
- fitness is also a factor in handling heat, and some fat people are also quite unfit.

I'm sure I've missed some other factors, but those should go a long way to explaining bit.
5 years