
Stuffing till i can’t move

I've never quite been at can't move, but have reached hard to breath and moving beingdone gingerly.

For me to get there takes all day eating. Basically stuffing intestines as well as stomach.

For me a normal person's meal every couple of hours until I'm feeling pretty stuffed and uncomfortable, then start getting more aggressive on the eating. There is usually a point where I think I'm stuffed but then the stomach does one last pass to the intestine, leaving a bit more room which I fill up with something rich and tasty (something I enjoy eating to make it easier to eat well into discomfort). When I feel like swallowing any more would be impossible then i drink as much liquid as I can keep down.

That is just my limited personal experience. Others may have very different approaches.
5 years

Stuffing till i can’t move

My definition is when you're so full if you stand you feel like you'll puke but can hold it down sitting, that's too stuffed to move, and you don't because don't waste precious calories
5 years

Stuffing till i can’t move

I�ve been stuffing for awhile now, but I�ve never gotten to the point where I feel like I can�t move. I�m not even sure if it�s real but on here you hear a lot of people talking about it. I was wondering if anyone had any tips?

Yeah it is a thing, you eat till you feel sleepy and way to tired to move, hour stomach feels heavy and you start panting. I personally love the sensation, I stuff myself almost every night
5 years

Stuffing till i can’t move

I’ve been stuffing myself for the past week, but I haven’t noticed any change in the capacity of my stomach. Is there any reason for this?
5 years