Extreme obesity

Immobility just a few questions.

yes it is fantasy really. well for the people who can control it
thank ypou for ur responses i hope there is more
16 years

Immobility just a few questions.

good point. i think i keep my legs and arms in pretty good shape with bike riding hiking and what not. id like to stay mobile at a very big weight.
16 years

Immobility just a few questions.

ya im full of questions on it. one day i want to weigh 500 lbs im thinking. i just dont think id be able to stop at that point
16 years

Immobility just a few questions.

hmm well we will see what happens i guess only time will tell.
i must say im addicted as well
15 years

Immobility just a few questions.

hmmm interesting. how big are u?
15 years

Immobility just a few questions.

I've always thought that I would stop at 500lbs, but once I got there I thought "What if I gained another 50lbs?" and when I got to 550lbs I asked again and I think that the cycle will just continue, but at the moment I don't really want to get much fatter.
15 years

Immobility just a few questions.

ya it is a big concern for alot. i wonder how many people would actually like it.
i know there is alot of people who say they will but ya we will see. what do other people think
15 years

Immobility just a few questions.

no need to be sorry for it, i think everyone needs to know.

i know i created this post awhile ago but now a days i cant see myself getting bigger than 450 500 it seems i guess my feelings change from time to time.
15 years

Immobility just a few questions.

wow quiet a few responses, now ur comments dont really mean a thing to me weither u like it or not i guess, i dunno ive been rethink everything these days and ive really grown tired of everything dealing with anyone. i know it doesent have to deal souly with the feederism community but part of it is. and i dont even know if i want to even gain anymore. i think at this point i wouldnt ever want to put my life in anyones hands.
well i think im rambleing now so ill stop
14 years

Immobility just a few questions.

immobility looks better than orange tans
14 years
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