Lifestyle tips

College weight gain?

I’ve been wondering, since the next school year is rapidly approaching: does anyone have tips on how to maximize weight gain in college? Obviously, most colleges have all-you-can-eat buffets available most hours of the day, but any specific tips on how to best utilize buffets (and maybe which college jobs provide the most opportunities for free food) would be appreciated!

If you eat after you've been boozing, that'll make you gain. Allegedly, if drunk enough, the body will prioritize the calories from the alcohol, so the extra calories are likely to get stored as additional fat.

You'd also want to get into the habit of larger portions and as much dessert as you can stuff down your gullet.

Making friends with others who are chubby or plump, even obese will probably help too. Odds are, they would likely at least accept eating fattier food and more of it. Less judgment over that extra cookie, or slice of pizza.
5 years