Food and recipes

Cinnamon sugar rugelach with banana & caramel filling


Makes 32 rolled pastries. You will have about 1 cup of filling left, it is great on toast or with peanut butter sandwiches.

- 2 Cups Flour
- ¼ Tsp Salt
- 8 Oz Cream Cheese (Fridge Temp)
- 1 Cup Unsalted Butter, Softened
- 1 Egg Yolk
- 1 Tbsp Honey (Microwave 15 Seconds)
- 1 Tsp Vanilla
- 2 Tbsp Sugar
- 4 Tsps Cinnamon

- ½ Cup Unsalted Butter
- ¼ Cup Honey (Microwave 15 Seconds)
- ¼ Cup Caramel (Microwave 15 Seconds)
- ¼ Cup Water
- ¼ Cup Sugar
- ¼ Cup Brown Sugar
- 1 Tsp Cinnamon
- 5 Small Ripe Bananas, Mashed
- 2 Tbsp Flour
1. PASTRY: Combine flour and salt, whisking until well combined.
2. PASTRY: Cube the cream cheese and butter then add to flour mixture, mixing on low (pulse) until crumbly if you have a large mixer. If not, by hand using your fingers.
3. PASTRY: In a separate bowl, whisk together egg yolk, honey, and vanilla.
4. PASTRY: Drizzle egg mixture over flour mixture and mix until well combined.
5. PASTRY: Roll dough from bowl into a ball and divide into four. Press divided portions down until about 1 inch in height, then wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least two hours.
6. FILLING: In a medium saucepan, add butter, honey, caramel and water. Heat over medium heat, stirring frequently until melted and evenly combined.
7. FILLING: Add in sugar, brown sugar, and cinnamon, continuing to heat and stir until melted and evenly combined.
8. FILLING: Add in mashed bananas, reduce to low and continue to stir frequently for 10 minutes. While it is simmering, gradually add in flour to help thicken filling.
9. FILLING: Once done, remove from heat and set aside to cool. Once cooled, place in a bowl and refrigerate until dough is ready, at least an hour.
10. ASSEMBLY: Cover a baking pan in parchment paper and spray with butter or flour spray. A large pan will fit 16, a normal size pan will fit 9.
11. ASSEMBLY: Remove dough and filling from fridge. Sprinkle surface and a rolling pin with powdered sugar (flour if not available) and roll out your first piece of dough into a circle about 6 inches in diameter.
12. ASSEMBLY: Combine sugar and cinnamon in a bowl or cup. Sprinkle the top of your rolled-out dough with cinnamon/sugar then flip over and do the same.
13. ASSEMBLY: Spread out a layer of your filling on top of dough, then use a pizza cutter to divide dough into 8 pieces (pizza slice style). Starting from the larger outside edge, roll each slice up then place on a pan. Do a second piece of dough if you are working with large pan.
14. ASSEMBLY: Sprinkle your pastry with a bit more cinnamon/sugar then refrigerate for 20 minutes.
15. ASSEMBLY: Preheat oven to 350, then repeat the same assembly process with your other two to three pieces of dough while you wait.
16. Once out of the fridge, bake each pan individually for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Get some while they are warm and refrigerate the rest for later.
4 years

Cinnamon sugar rugelach with banana & caramel filling

Lol. With all these yummy receipts you normally should weight more than 265lbs🤣🤣🤣. A nice sunday😉

Lol I have kids that eat it all before I get much of a chance to 😉
4 years