
Just curious, any of you play music?

I've been a musician ever since I can remember. I play piano, guitar, bass, saxophone, a little drums, and I sing. I've been in a few bands over the past several years, and I'm in one right now. We're working on our first recording, but with the way my summer's scheduled I don't know when it'll get finished.
16 years

Just curious, any of you play music?

Played classical piano and a bit of jazz. Sang a lot, bands, musical theatre, church, torch, blues, you name it. (Well, ok, not opera. Was in the chorus of one once though.) Play the amount of acoustic guitar that's requisite for my age, and a few other instruments badly.
16 years

Just curious, any of you play music?

play in a band and sing right now, can play guitar, electirc bass, drums and piano
16 years

Just curious, any of you play music?

Professional musician - piano, voice, some accordion, some guitar. I love rock and roll, but musical theatre has been paying my bills. My eyes are tired of looking at cut time.
16 years

Just curious, any of you play music?

*giggle* ... I bet.
16 years

Just curious, any of you play music?

Bass guitar Like to play metal mainly but I do enjoy playin slap bass stuff like chilli peppers used to play piano n violin but i got bored lol
16 years

Just curious, any of you play music?

Trombone for 42 years now. I can play classical and have an f-attachment symphonic horn for that purpose. Mainly I am a Big Band Lead and solo player with my Vintage 1952 Conn . I can also more than hold my own on trumpet and cornet. I'm really solid on baritone horn. I am also an operatic bass-baritone who held a church job for 10 years. Now it's winning karaoke contests with big Elvis and Sinatra numbers. A lifetime ago I was a music teacher. Kudos to the French Horn players too. The partials are soo close together. In any symphony orchestra the french horns make the most mistakes in any given year.The best players in the world-it's that hard!
Looks like trombone is number one here. Is that just a coincidence? lol
15 years