
How much is possible to gain in two weeks?

I have two weeks long xmas break from studying. I was thinking about trying gain weight on that time.

How much can human gain weight in two weeks on average? Basically I would just eat, sleep, sitting on my ass on the couch and be lazy for the whole time.

All tips and suggestion would be awesome

Also thinking about going to see nurse after my xmas break to get weighted and watch her reaction when my weight has gone up and my belly has expanded.
4 years

How much is possible to gain in two weeks?

If you are eating heavily and constantly for a while you can also end up carrying close to ten pounds of combined food weight and water retention (more food =more salt generally). I once finished a three day food binge weighing ten pounds heavier than at the start, but a few days later I'd dropped all but two of those extra pounds as my systems cleaned up.
4 years