Story authors

Word count per chapter?

Thinking about adding a little story to the website which rotates POVs. I'm wondering about the word count (or character count as it might be) for each chapter. I've heard many authors complain (or explain) when splitting up chapters. Does anyone know what the character/word limit is? Googling did not provide help and it's well known this website hasn't a search function. Any help will be appreciated!

Chapters in my view range from 2000 words to 4000. Ultimately the length lies on the taste of the writer and how scenes play out.

F.F. page/chapter system is rather restrictive... only allowing "10,000" characters per page/chapter. However, I put less due to a glitch where text will disappear if it reaches the 9,500 to 10,000 range.

I can squeeze small chapter in one FF page, but I usually utilize two to round things out.

Hope this helps smiley
4 years