Fat experiences

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

So for 5 years my girlfriend has gained over 80lbs from a normal 155lbs to a lovely plump 235lbs. This past two years she's been trying to fight it and slim down but to her avail, she keeps ballooning. Now she's decided to not fight so hard anymore and just go with the flow. Of course she's doing walks and exercises, but her curvaceous figure hasn't dwindled. Anybody else had this experience?
4 years

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

I personally had this experience back in my mid-30s. Got tired of the yo-yo dieting and decided to just eat what I wanted, when I wanted. Gained 130 lbs over a ten year period and loved it. My wife has also given up trying to diet which makes me very happy. Has put on 50 lbs. so far.
4 years

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

My wife goes in cycles. She never anticipated ever being a "fat girl". So she gets to a point where she has to buy a whole new wardrobe again and then tries to diet and exercise for a week to discover she loves a lifestyle and food that is going to have her bigger. She then lets go, grows to a point where she's again faced with "I didn't think I would get this big, though" wash rinse repeat.

From my experience, the bigger they get the more easy it is to let go and identify as being a "fattie". She now has her little fattie lunch crew at work who all go out together and pig out on fast food.

The only thing that ever brings up the idea of halting her gain is the clothes. It's so expensive.
4 years

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

lili valo:
yes my GF was same way when she desided to stop fighting i started to pump weight gainer in everything she eat and drink whitout she know and just Watch her balloon up and think its just normal smiley

What a horrible person you are. Shame you only value her as a sex object and not a person with their own agency.

Let's be real, he is doing no such thing unless his gf is dumb as a rock. Sneaking those things in food is a great plot device for fiction but in practice they have pronounced flavors that make things taste "off".

This is just the FF forum version of click-bait.
4 years

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

So for 5 years my girlfriend has gained over 80lbs from a normal 155lbs to a lovely plump 235lbs. This past two years she's been trying to fight it and slim down but to her avail, she keeps ballooning. Now she's decided to not fight so hard anymore and just go with the flow. Of course she's doing walks and exercises, but her curvaceous figure hasn't dwindled. Anybody else had this experience?

My wife had a similar gain, going from 145 to 235 over the first six years of our relationship (we got married after four years), only resisting the gain in the last couple of years of it. In her case she did then lose close to twenty pounds, but then we had a baby and she put ten back on, and has basically +/- 15 pounds of that weight in the many years since. Basically if she gets much lighter she doesn't feel so bad so stops fighting her appetite as much, and if she gets much bigger she begins to feel uncomfortably fat and gets her habits back in hand. Although with age she has tended more to the high end of that range.

Given that nobody can gain forever, I'm pretty ok with her staying moderately fat but still quite active, and having some minor ups and downs over time.
4 years

Girlfriend decides to not fight her weight gain anymore

Obviously your into the lifestyle. She's reluctant to play along. Apparently she's not. Trying to coerce her into gaining just ain't going to work !!
This is just plain being manipulative. You have really only two choices, live with it. Or find someone else that is into gaining !
4 years