
Infectious obesity.

Has anyone heard anything about Adenovirous-36? Researchers report that the virus works by transforming adult stem cells into fat storing cells. Sounds like something that is fantasy, but I just came from a conference where this was a real topic. Leptin was also a topic. Just thought I might post this in case anyone is interested in the science of fat as well as the beauty.
16 years

Infectious obesity.

I saw something about that Kermit, and I'm intrigued. What's the research look like, is it solid?
16 years

Infectious obesity.

In terms of being soild, yes Juicy it seems to be. I guess there was a study done in 2005 involving over 500 "obese" and "normal weight" people. Thirty percent of the "obese" people showed signs of previous adenovirus-36 infection. And leptin the chemical messenger produced by adipose cells that tells the brain to reduce food intake is also being looked at. There are many interesting aspects to this.
16 years

Infectious obesity.

This is interesting! How do I catch this virus if I don't already have it? Kissing fat women perhaps? Maybe it's sexually transmitted? Sign me up!! smileysmiley
16 years

Infectious obesity.

I had the same thought, Moonchild. And even if it's from a virus, it doesn't change the success statistics of diets, which are VERY low over the long-term...

It would be nice if it eased prejudice, but if it means that we'll all be forced to be 'treated' by our medical systems, that's truly grim.
16 years

Infectious obesity.

If it means that people can be dropped from insurance rosters because of their weight, or denied treatment, as the NHS has begun to threaten, or be made illegal, as the forum thread suggests has happened in Japan, then refusal of treatment isn't a real option, is it?
16 years

Infectious obesity.

Well, even if the fat virus does really exist and it is the primary reason people get fat, doctors would still need to come up with a treatment for it. Viruses are tricky, we are still working on effective means to treat the common cold and the flu virus mutates so rapidly that we need new vaccines every year. There are a lot of ifs to deal with still!

But, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you! smiley
16 years