Lifestyle tips

Overeating secretly

While at work, I normally just eat lunch at my desk. Only one colleague would typically see what I'm eating.

I eat a sensible looking lunch, typically soup. Then I chase it with a not-so-sensible pint of heavy whipping cream. I bring the cream to work in a metal thermos, and nobody has a clue as to what I'm actually drinking.

This is my first time gaining weight with heavy whipping cream, and the results have been unreal. I gained 13 pounds in two weeks while drinking two pints per day. I have since added that third pint during lunch.

This stuff is incredible! I can actually feel my outfits getting a little bit tighter every day. I'm going to replace my entire wardrobe next week, as some of my jeans are starting to look painted-on.

I'm so excited and am looking forward to gaining more.
4 years

Overeating secretly

Well I'm at the point now where I eat in public until some one says something about it like "haven't you had enough" or something like that. Then I stop and either grab my tin mug with heavy cream mix. Or I will eat a bunch on my way to go eat ... that way who ever I'm eating with doesn't see just how much I ate.. I still eat a whole lot in front of them and I end up incredibly stuffed but they still only see like half lol
4 years

Overeating secretly

Guzzling cream is obviously a classic, and probably has more impact for the time and money than most things. But a few other ideas:

- fast food on the way to/from work. You know, breakfast at home, then go through the drive-thru at macdonalds or somewhere for a second breakfast (and toss the wrappers in the bin outside the door at work). Stop for a milkshake on the way home.

- candy coffee. It is easy to drink 400 calories at places like Starbucks. Not the cheapest of calories, but very stealth as you can consume them right in front of people. Or to be even lower key, just get a regular coffee but really load it up with cream and sugar

- muffins and donuts. Both can be crazy high in calories, and muffins aren't always viewed that way. I can stop at a Tim Horton's just a few minutes from work and pick up a muffin and two donuts that total a thousand calories. Provided I peel the paper off the muffin before getting in the car I can easily eat those in the few minutes to finish my drive.
4 years

Overeating secretly

While at work, I normally just eat lunch at my desk. Only one colleague would typically see what I'm eating.

I eat a sensible looking lunch, typically soup. Then I chase it with a not-so-sensible pint of heavy whipping cream. I bring the cream to work in a metal thermos, and nobody has a clue as to what I'm actually drinking.

This is my first time gaining weight with heavy whipping cream, and the results have been unreal. I gained 13 pounds in two weeks while drinking two pints per day. I have since added that third pint during lunch.

This stuff is incredible! I can actually feel my outfits getting a little bit tighter every day. I'm going to replace my entire wardrobe next week, as some of my jeans are starting to look painted-on.

I'm so excited and am looking forward to gaining more.

That seems a lot of cream to take in in a day. You must have very good digestion as I find anything over a pint a day hard to digest. Very exciting gain rate though. Hope it continues.
4 years

Overeating secretly

No problem, i work at an office and have a drawer next to me, full of sweets. Open and closes all day and nobody knows what's in and whats out smiley

I work with a bunch of fat women. And all I hear all day is that top drawer opening and closing and ruffles noises, haha. I always wondered how someone could actually be 300-400lbs. And it's an amazing thing to witness each day, how much shear endless snacking it takes.
4 years

Overeating secretly

My gaining is totally secret. My problem is concealing the heavy cream and peanuts once bought and until I have the opportunity to consume them. The heavy cream is the main problem because it needs to be kept fresh. At this time of year (in the UK) I can keep it for a few days in the car but not in hotter weather of course. I like to limit my trips to the local supermarket to avoid being spotted by the locals and always pay cash so no ID tracking. I am fairly sure most of my family and friends would not approve and don't wish to tell them. Does anyone else have these problems and what tricks have you for covering your tracks?
4 years