

I have recently decided to gain some weight and I am undecided on the amount. I currently weight 160 pounds and am 5'8". I was looking for some suggestions on the amount to gain
16 years


I know its been a while but good news is that I made it to 170 bad is that 10# dosnt make much of a difference on me so Im thinking of going 10 more. It would be nice though to suddenly look in the mirror and be like whole crap I didnt realize I gained that much but I think that will talk a long while
15 years


Well stated Stace. It really is all about what you enjoy. Just relax and see where it leads you. You will know what is right for you. Of course setting realistic goals and achiving them is fun a well. Basicly gaining is personal and what works for one person may not work for the next. But the important thing to remember is you are not alone in your desires. There is a whole community out here to support and understand your goals and desires.
15 years