Lifestyle tips

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

I'm beardless and my feeder prefers me like his because it's like I'm a pregnant man .
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

Personally I hate body hair, and facial hair (especially on a woman lolol).
Seriously though, I consider myself to have fairly light coloured and not too thick body hair, and I have shaved my pubes off for about 20 years.
Really hairy men are horrible in my opinion, and it just makes me think of big gay hairy bears, which is brilliant if thats your thing.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

"really hairy men are horrible" wow.

Talk about hatefulness towards people for the way they were born. Sheesh.

Woah, just calm yourself down a moment.

I said 'personally I hate body hair and facial hair'
That is my opinion, and I'm very much entitled to it. I didn't say I hate the person, or any person, I just said I hate body & facial hair.
I choose to shave mine off, because I hate it.
So back up and shut up, suggesting I am a 'hateful' person, you should be ashamed for thinking and saying that.
I live in a Country with free speech, and I can have an opinion on hair thank you.
My comment about facial hair on a woman was a joke, hence it was in brackets with a lol after it, so stop trying to make me out to be something I am not, and deliberately take me out of context just because it suits your agenda ie I have a different opinion to you.

Also @ expandingCuriousity - It is my opinion, and I can do exactly what I want about hair, even if I was born extremely hairy, so your comment 'people don't get to decide' is rubbish. Yes I do decide where my hair grows, I shave and if I wanted I could wax, and have laser treatment if I so wished, and any other form of hair control/removal, so I (and anyone else) have a choice.
I have not said I 'hate' any person, and I would never say that, I am a very respectful, humble, and friendly person.
I am annoyed that people like you two can take my post completely out of context and twist the truth to suit your own arguments.
I hate hair, It's fine for me to say that.
I find really hairy men horrible. It's fine for me to say that.
I did not say I hated the person, just the hair ffs, so shut up the pair of you.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

i like it on both sexes, i love all natural
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

It's not my favorite thing, but it's not a deal breaker.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

I find it revolting, plain and simple. So do most other men.

It's true that most men don't seem to attempt to remove it, but since I'm not gay it doesn't matter.

Since I make a point of keeping body hairs to a minimum and always keep a clean shaven face, at the very least she can do the same thing. In addition to shaving, I'm trying one of those at-home laser hair removal regimens since I have pale skin and dark hair, the most ideal combination for such devices.

Armpit hair is especially disgusting. I might be able to deal with trimmed pubic hair, but I won't be pleased.

Regardless of what I might think, the general consensus in public is no body hair. Older individuals may be more tolerant of pubic hair on women. The trend is towards less and less. I read somewhere that 45% of men age 35 and under remove all pubic and body hair, and it's increasing.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

lol you did not say you find the hair horrible, you said you find hairy men horrible. Your words are right there.

And nobody here except you is trying to silence anyone with your "shut ups." We never said you couldn't have an opinion. But when we said that in our opinion, your opinion is shitty, you told us to shut up. You have things backwards.

And no, there is no choice when it's "live as you were born, or torture yourself to look different." That's not a choice.

My exact words were :
Really hairy men are horrible in my opinion, and it just makes me think of big gay hairy bears, which is brilliant if that's your thing.

You have twisted my words, and are trying to suggest I said that I find the actual man horrible as a person, just because they are hairy.
Only a stupid person, who is deliberately trolling for an argument would think that.
I don't like hairy men, because of the hair. I am a man, and I would not like to look like some other hairy man does, I think it looks horrible IN MY OPINION as I said.
That is not even close to saying what you are suggesting, which is why I told you to back up and shut up, because you were trolling.
I also said (which you conveniently forgot to QUOTE me on - probably because it doesn't support your feeble trolling attempt) that it is brilliant if that is your thing.
So again, back up and shut up you troll.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

British Gaining Guy:
Please please can we not have a civil discussion? You’re all old enough to keep a civil tongue in your heads. If someone is upsetting to offending you then either engage them in civil debate or don’t at all. There is no need for hate here.

This this and more of this... There's no need for the discussion to turn into a personal attack. We are all entitled to our inevitably differing opinions! You don't have to agree, but we don't need to shut down the discussion or escalate things in an unpleasant manner.

Personally I don't have a problem with body or facial hair on any gender. I go through phases of wanting to shave and being all natural with all areas on my own body... It really is down to you and your own unique view, style and preference as to what you do with your own body, and what you find physically appealing on someone else.
4 years

What’s the general consensus on body hair?

My apologies to the staff of FF.

I certainly didn't want to turn the thread into something unpleasant.

I found it offensive to be accused of something I didn't say or mean. It is perfectly ok for me to say I don't like hair on myself or other people, we have free speech thankfully.
I certainly did not want anyone to feel like I didn't like them as people, no matter how hairy they are.
Again, apologies.
4 years