
Are female feeders unicorns?

We exist 😝
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

Try checking ffambrosia. It's not very popular but it's mostly catered to them and male feedees.
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

We're here, but true that we're elusive sometimes.
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

There are a couple here. But, I think a lot like mutual gaining/feeding...we get jealous of all the wonderful food you're gorging on.
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

My guess: It’s like gamers. At least half of gamers are women, however due to how toxic male gamers can be many women gamers either play single player or don’t use a mic if playing online. I’m sure there’s probably far more feeders who are women than you realize, but most just lurk or aren’t active because of how terrible some men behave. Could also be messages that just say “hey” aren’t compelling enough to merit a reply. 🤷🏻‍♂️
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

Female feeders are really rare.
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

There are a couple here. But, I think a lot like mutual gaining/feeding...we get jealous of all the wonderful food you're gorging on.

I know a couple where when she was big, he was massive and then when she decided she was losing weight, he too miraculously lost weight as well.
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

I'm a female feeder, and I'm a lesbian. Its been extra hard for me to find that special someone.

I know that feeling, although I’m feedee. The only attention I’ve had is from guys and it’s so frustrating, like I’m worth looking at but not worth reading my profile?!?!
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

🙋🏼‍♀️ Here! But I already found my bhm smiley I always liked and flirted with chubby and fat boys from the beginning when I started getting crushes. I think there are girls out there that find big men attractive but let society scare them into not wanting to be open. I was teased off and on for always going after the fat boys, I even had a mom of an ex bf ask me if I was a chubby chaser lol. BUT I liked what I liked and didn't give a eff who thought I was unusual. I think finding a confident girl is harder.

Congrats on your relationship! I was one of those girls who was afraid to pursue a relationship with a bhm because I was afraid of being judged for it, especially because I'm very thin myself. But after agonizing over the "should I? shouldn't I?" of asking him out for WAY too long, I finally decided that hey, I'm really attracted to both his personality and physical appearance, and all I'll feel is regret if I continue to deprive myself out of fear of being judged. So I asked him out and he admitted that he had a crush on me too. He was a little shocked that I asked him out though because he feels like I'm out of his league, but if I'm attracted to him and he's attracted to me then so-called "leagues" are irrelevant. My mom sometimes tells me in private that she wishes I was with someone more handsome aka conventionally attractive. She doesn't really mean to be rude about it. She thinks my boyfriend is a nice person. She can just be judgmental and fatphobic. I just kind of shrug it off because whether or not she finds my boyfriend attractive or not is irrelevant. Other than that, we haven't gotten any comments. I guess partly because it's rude to comment on and partly because it isn't really such a big deal after all.

TLDR: Don't let what other people think keep you from doing what you want to do. You'll be much happier that way.
4 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

I think I’m definitely a unicorn because I’m actually just attracted to fat people and don’t feel turned on by making a thin person fat. I never realized that feederism is SO MUCH more common than being a real FA. Weight gain is a turn on to me but very very far from being a necessity. The level to which I fail to understand it bothers me sometimes. Like, if you were truly attracted to fat people why would you chose to date someone thin in the first place? It makes me think that it’s more about control and ruination than anything.
4 years
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