
When did your appetite increase?

For those of you who have gained on purpose and who can now eat more than you used to: how much did you gain before you started eating noticeably more? Examples, please!

(Example of an example: "I used to be barely able to finish a McDonalds 1/4-pounder with cheese meal, but after I gained 15 pounds I noticed that not only could I finish it easily but it was no longer enough!)
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

It took 20-25 lbs to go from 1 Large Value Meal (Wendy's Baconator) to fill me for the entire day to 2 Large Value Meals (Wendy's Bacon & Wendy's Big Bacon Classic Triple to fill me for the time being mid-day.

15 additional lbs later on..would take an additional large meal and extras (whether leftovers or ordering 2 McDonalds cheeseburger and triple cheeseburger meals with 3 4pc nuggets 2 apple pies) to fill me overnight.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

It took 20-25 lbs to go from 1 Large Value Meal (Wendy's Baconator) to fill me for the entire day to 2 Large Value Meals (Wendy's Bacon & Wendy's Big Bacon Classic Triple to fill me for the time being mid-day.

15 additional lbs later on..would take an additional large meal and extras (whether leftovers or ordering 2 McDonalds cheeseburger and triple cheeseburger meals with 3 4pc nuggets 2 apple pies) to fill me overnight.

It took me years for my appetite to increase because I always used to eat in small portions every four hours and I hated the feeling of being full back then so I had to slowly pace myself and get used to slowly increasing my intake over time.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

When I was 200-lbs., my appetite began to increase. Soon after, I ate double the amount of food like two meals from McDonald’s or Burger King. Then, I would snack in between meals like eat a package of Oreo cookies in one setting or a bag of chips. Therefore, I gained a substantial amount of weight. I topped out at 253-lbs.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

When I was 200-lbs., my appetite began to increase. Soon after, I ate double the amount of food like two meals from McDonald’s or Burger King. Then, I would snack in between meals like eat a package of Oreo cookies in one setting or a bag of chips. Therefore, I gained a substantial amount of weight. I topped out at 253-lbs.

200 pounds seemed to be the turning point for my roommate as well. The first 50 pounds she gained were at a slower, steady pace, but after she passed the 200 mark it was as though her appetite increased exponentially.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

My experience is appetite increases around 200, 400 and again at 700. Once past 700, I have seen feedees eat a lot. Whole cakes in one sitting as a dessert for example, 6 or more meals everyday
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

I could always eat a lot, and in my fit days I would restrict how much I would eat. When I gained from 180 to 205 and gave in to my weight gain and the idea of gaining more, all of my portions went up. Instead of just an entree, I would order an appetizer and a dessert. All of the increased calories led to my obvious weight gain.

Now that I'm up to 250, only over the past month I have noticed that no matter what I eat fro dinner or how much, by 1030 at night I am very hungry. Not just for a snack, or a cookie, but actually hungry. So rather than going to bed hungry I've made myself a large bowl of ice cream and gone to bed with a nice full tummy.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

Very interesting, and encouraging responses!

I've been frustrated for some time, though it sounds like if I can somehow get to 200+ lbs, the odds are good that's when the "seal will be broken" so to speak. When I might be able to really eat the way I'd like to, that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's frustrating when it feels like I fill up too quickly.

It also suggests that when or even if I can go on say, a 2 week cruise (or some other sort of all-inclusive vacation), at least if it's with the idea of gaining as much as possible, it'd be best to do that after 200ish lbs. or whenever this really kicks in. When I'd finally be able to really eat, and combined with the near constant food and drink, could mean gaining perhaps even a pound a day.

I was also encouraged by the response where someone ate an entire large pizza, and still felt hungry afterward.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

A huge appetite stays with you as you gain weight, generally. My wife’s sure has :-) Her shoulders have slowly disappeared into a luscious row of fat over the past few years. She sure doesn’t mind it, though :-) When she bends over to put shoes on, she’s perfectly round from above :-)

And my belly and love handles have hidden my ribs forever :-)
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

my appetite grew gradually over time. at first i just had to de-program myself from the thought of "enough," just letting myself eat to capacity instead of thinking about portion size.

once i was eating to the point of feeling full on a regular basis, this is probably where my capacity increased. occasionally eating too much, geting really stuffed, no doubt stretching out my stomach.

i am at the point now where my appetite is a problem - i get hungry too easily, and it takes more just to make me feel full.

i am sure there are ways to achieve this faster, but my advice is to just eat until you are really full on a regular basis - i think you'll see that increase happen naturally.
3 years
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