Fat experiences

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

What is your favorite memory of being teased about your weight?
Mine was when I was in college and I ran up a flight of stairs so as to not be late for class, and a classmate said " You're out of shape" as I sat in my chair breathing heavily.
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

I remember when I first started to gain and my ex teased me about how I grew a belly apron and I overheard her talking to some of her friends about how it was to be with a fat man and her friends were intrigued so when I waddled into the room she teased me about it and I secretly liked it 🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

Recently my boyfriend has started teasing me about how fat I am getting and I love it. Such a turn on and makes me want to keep stuffing myself.
A good friend was making me fun of the fact that I can barely fit into size 16 clothes and that was also a lot of fun.
Never thought I would enjoy being teased so much but I love it.
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

Recently my boyfriend has started teasing me about how fat I am getting and I love it. Such a turn on and makes me want to keep stuffing myself.
A good friend was making me fun of the fact that I can barely fit into size 16 clothes and that was also a lot of fun.
Never thought I would enjoy being teased so much but I love it.
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

Recently my boyfriend has started teasing me about how fat I am getting and I love it. Such a turn on and makes me want to keep stuffing myself.
A good friend was making me fun of the fact that I can barely fit into size 16 clothes and that was also a lot of fun.
Never thought I would enjoy being teased so much but I love it.

I used to be the athletic type and I used to always identify with that so when I finally got teased it was a shock because I didn't have the same response as I once did because I got external validation for something I wanted to accomplish and you are experiencing that here. It is positive reinforcement. That is why I call our obesity a form of body modification like getting tattooed except we do ours with fat
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

One day at work someone saw me working the way I always do fast. And he said, "Slow down or you will become skinny." I patted my belly and replied, "This isn't going anywhere soon." I like being teased about my Big fat belly.
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

I work in a hardware store, one day while I was arranging pvc pipes, one of these somehow slipped and fell perfectly in my navel, at that moment I felt a strange but very gratifying sensation, since then I usually touch my navel and I have even reached orgasm just by doing it.
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

Hay varias ocasiones que me gustó que se burlaran de eso (hasta yo insisto a que lo hagan) pero recuerdo una cuando en mi trabajo me estaba cambiando y un compañero de trabajo que es muy delgado me dijo: "se ve gracioso como estás y se mueve tu panza" yo de alguna forma lo convencí de tocarme la panza y cuando se hundían sus dedos en mi panza se sintió increíble.
the belly becomes very sensitive the bigger it gets, and the sensation is certainly unbelievable.
3 years

What was the most memorable teasing about your weight that you enjoyed?

Going into the office for the first time since lockdown 1 started. A colleague put his hands on my belly and wobbled it around, then said “somebody’s been eating well, big boy”.
3 years