
Obsessed with quarantine weight

The silver lining of quarantine for me was the weight gain. Nothing like extra pounds to make me feel extra soft and sexy smiley
3 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

I love that fact that so many people have gained weight during the quarantine. I saw a news story on NBC that said the average gain was over twenty pounds, that's awesome. I did gain, but since I was already gaining since I retired from the Military reserves, it wasn't that much only about five to ten pounds, but I love it!
3 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

I read an article recently that said the average according to self reporting was 25-30 pounds. And something like 35-40% reported gaining 50 pounds or more.
3 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

I do like how people are using social media to normalize the covid weight gain. For a lot of people, it is OK as long as it is 'normal' and enough of their peer group did the same, so then they get to relax and enjoy their softer body without guild smiley
3 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

I wish walmart deli would have been locked down. I eat a lot, but I work a lot. So I haven't been able to gain anything. If I didn't have to work I'd be huge! At least over 300 pounds
3 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

I do like how people are using social media to normalize the covid weight gain. For a lot of people, it is OK as long as it is 'normal' and enough of their peer group did the same, so then they get to relax and enjoy their softer body without guild smiley

Good observation. Could this be a permanent change to popular attitudes around weight gain?
3 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

Guess I need to get on TikTok lol!
Any particular videos I should search out?
2 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

Guess I need to get on TikTok lol!
Any particular videos I should search out?

John Smith:
You can write up the key-words "glowdown" , "covidgain" , "quarantineweight" , "weightgain" , "happyweight" and "itsmejessicachallenge" (I know... it's very self-depreciative) onto the search browser of the app, and you would find dozens of those.

Some of them are wild. Like this skinny British woman who turned into an unrecognizably obese, three-hundred-pounder waddling blob after just one year of lockdown-mandated pregnancy (she's currently losing weight, but still...) ! She's been currently bullied by some so-called "Manosphere" advocates on Youtube, in spite the fact she try getting back in shape (and thus, had no argumentatively rational motive to rant about her postpartum weight gain, to begin with) .

Thanks for that!
Can't find the woman though - any tips for her?
2 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

From the very beginning of the quarantine, I tried not to comply with it in principle, since no one has any right to restrict my freedom, force me to wear what I don't want, brainwash me and intimidate me, and even more so to write me fines. I got infected with Covid-19 in June last year, literally on purpose. I was ill in less than 5 days. All this time I had the feeling that through my I'm being watched. I recovered literally on the second or third day. The doctors confirmed the fact of improvement of the condition and the fact of infection with Cavid-19, but they still did not release me from quarantine. I feel great right now.

Wow, that's all... really stupid. You infected yourself with a potentially deadly virus, that's killed some 5 million people, to what? Avoid wearing a mask?
2 years

Obsessed with quarantine weight

Wow, that's all... really stupid. You infected yourself with a potentially deadly virus, that's killed some 5 million people, to what? Avoid wearing a mask?

Yeah, I don't understand why so many have such a strong aversion to listening to scientists and their lifesaving advice. Why do they think they should be free to infect others with a deadly disease, against their will, through their complete disregard for safety measures?

A big reason is the extreme politization wrapped around the pandemic.
2 years
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