
Some gaining science (and why cream causes delayed gains)

Anyone searching for gaining tips on this forum has come across reviews and recommendations for heavy cream. How it blows everyone up. The delayed gaining effect where people see gains and growth even after they stop adding more cream. The answer is here:,and%20in%20the%20long%20term.

Here's the TLDR (and please correct me if I misinterpreted it). The TGs in Cream induce leptin resistance, raising the body's set weight in the long term. It increases appetite, increases feed efficiency, and causes obesity even after the cream is stopped.
3 years

Some gaining science (and why cream causes delayed gains)

Now that you're there, may as well keep going right? 😈
3 years

Some gaining science (and why cream causes delayed gains)

So a mixture of heavy cream and fructose is the ticket to a fatter future!

Hmmm, Heavy cream sweetened with corn syrup should be amazing!
3 years

Some gaining science (and why cream causes delayed gains)

My body has always kept me fit without even trying. Now I've been putting so much effort in getting fat and chugging cream, with apparently no results. This gives me hope. With any luck in the long run I'll become obese and will never be able to be fit again.
2 years