Fat experiences

What made you decide to get fat?

Just wondering what was the turning point for a lot of people who decided or have decided to get Fat
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

It really started when a close family member died and left me some money and I was already away from where I was raised but my ex was like why not ? Money was no longer an issue so I moved down and it was like I activated my inner fat addict and I kept going...
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I was an avid weightlifter, dieter and exerciser. I had a serious fatphobia for myself but I always found fat guys attractive. Paradoxically to the fatphobia, in the back of my mind I wanted to look like them. After I had shoulder surgery, and later on, back surgery, I couldn’t work out the way I liked to and started gaining.

As I was gaining I liked the way I looked. I remember being in a dept. store, seeing myself in a mirror and noticing my belly stretching the polo shirt I was wearing. I actually liked how I looked rocking a belly.

Long story short, I wavered many times about gaining. I’m 5’6” and eventually got up to 245 lbs. My goal was 250-260, maybe more. But I unintentionally lost about 30 lbs last year and am trying to gain again, but I’m stuck at 215-220.

What’s probably holding me back is I can’t afford new clothes. I’m in loose 42 waist pants, my shirts are roomy, so I do have room to grow.

I just got to like being fat.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I didn't actively decide to get fat, but I did make the decision to stay fat. After gaining around 25 lbs I was weighing in at 205 lbs and enjoying everything about it. I decided to stop worrying about what I ate and the pounds just kept piling on.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

Like most here, it was not intentionally in the first place. I became chubbier and liked the way it looked and feels and just decided not to diet, and just increased my meals in order to maintain the new weight.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I never chose to get fat. It just happened. After years of trying to lose the weight and being ashamed I have embraced it. I really enjoy the people that love my fat, and I even enjoy the people that are disgusted by it. I'm fat, I'm heavy, I jiggle. All these years trying to hide it and I was never fooling anybody. Now I am out and proud about it.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I have been fascinated by fat, bellies and bottoms since before puberty. I was an overweight adolescent, gained in college, lost weight after college, joined the military reserves, thus staying in shape for years. I'm married to a BBW, who I adore. Since retiring from the reserves I have been actively, but slowly gaining. I'm now up to230 lbs., with a 48" waist. I've gained about twenty five pounds since retiring seven years ago. But I have gained nearly fifty pounds since I got married going from 185 lbs. to 230 lbs. I do love my belly and fat butt.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

The earliest I remember wanting to be fat was when I was 4 years old. It took a long time, but I have finally gotten F A T! I love it and only want to get bigger every day smiley

I had some very fat relatives and I was fascinated by how their bodies moved. I wanted mine to move like that too.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I fat I never been skinny my sister and her husband both fat really fat obese they got me into getting more fat then I am know plan to make it happen
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I really liked how cumbersome and huge I got when I was pregnant and started to find this community online. So I decided to gain back everything I lost through giving birth. And make my belly just as big as possible. So I did. Then I was pregnant again and decided to up my gaining and put on five stone. Then obviously I lost some after the birth, so I gained to stretch my belly back again. And then I haven't wanted to stop so I have continued. I like not fitting through spaces and the heavy waddle. Now I'm more than twice my original weight before any pregnancies and still gaining. It's mostly on my belly too and I look both very obese and possibly pregnant.
The clothes that fit me best are the biggest maternity clothes I can find - uk30-32 with a stretchy panel over my belly. Other clothes dig in over my belly and I don't like that - I like plenty of growing room so I never feel I should stop gaining :-D

What a lovely story! 😊
3 years
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