Story authors

New and looking for recommendations

Hi guys, I just discovered this site in search of fiction to consume. I hope to write my own, but I like to read others as well. I'd delve in myself, but I figured it's worth asking around for good recs, especially if there's any that suit my admittedly niche tastes.

I favor weight gain/stuffing/feeding side of things. I like descriptive writing full of visualisation. My favourite writers are all very good at really describing and helping me visualise everything going on (I'm very skinny and I don't have a good point of reference). I'm a weirdo who can appreciate amount of plot/conflict with my fetish stories, I actually like being able to care about the characters. I tend to enjoy some fantasy-like elements too, or unrealistic elements to the gaining. I dislike when it becomes sexual or when there are elements of BDSM. When characters start getting aroused by their own weight, it turns me off. I really don't care for the sexy side of things at all, I like it ugly and messy.

I'm not expecting something that ticks every box - if I wanted that, I'd just write it myself. I'm willing to explore outside of my preferences if everything is super good. Honestly just drop what you like and I'll give it a look. Thanks all.
3 years