how much heavy cream do you recommend per day on average?
Start with a cup per day for at least 3 days and then increase it by half a half cup. Spend a little time there and then increase it again. Don't move up too fast or you will get sick and then you won't want to drink it every day. If you start having greasy bowel movements back off a half cup and see what happens. That's a sign that some of it is going to waste and you will feel better if you reduce your intake.
You want to find what your body can handle most efficiently. And if you need to you can gradually increase your daily intake every so often to see if your body is ready to move up and process more dairy fat. Just go slow because it can cause fatigue and kill your apatite if you drink too much.
And don't try and drink it all straight or all at once. It takes a little while to get used to drinking it straight and you shouldn't drink too much when you do. And it always works best when you split it up across the day with a little bit before bed.
1 quart if heavy cream (3200 calories) is about equal to a pound of body fat. Heavy cream is about 800 calories per cup.
From my personal experience it works best in moderation. You don't want it to interrupt your eating habits, lifestyle, or your sleep. Slip it into your routine and be patient. It happens rather fast after the first 3 weeks.