Harry-Misty:But why carbs making hard belly? I thought it's making softer belly
becomingoverweight:Carbs induce an insulin response which causes more of the calories to be stored in the visceral fat deposit. Some carbs(fructose) also need to be processed in the liver before being stored, which increases both liver and visceral fat. So a source of carbs will have differing effects on fat distribution based on the insulin response they cause. There are also fatty acids, like palmitic and stearic acid, which tend to reduce visceral fat.
Based on my research, the following advice should help one gain primarily subcutaneous fat.
"I suggest overeating foods with high amounts of the long chain saturated fatty acids palmitic and stearic acid as these fats help reduce visceral fat. Dairy fat and cacao butter have lots of them so they're good for gaining primarily subcutaneous fat. Lots of gainers like using heavy cream to gain. Omega-6 fatty acids(linoleic acid(most of soybean oil)) interfere with that beneficial effect and cause visceral fat gains so I recommend minimizing that. Alcohol and sugar(especially fructose) cause visceral fat gains too so only have them in moderation. If you have carbs, try to opt for whole over refined. The fiber helps lower visceral gains.
Here is a thread I made with loads of scientific studies on fat's effects on health and how to affect fat distribution:
Compendium of Fat Studies"
If cacao butter good for that, can I just eat a lot of chocolate?