
My heavy cream experiment

I'm doing a heavy cream experiment to see if it really does lead to more subcutaneous fat gains and cause areas to fatten up that otherwise don't.

I've been doing my best during this time to avoid simple carbs and refined grains, sugar, sodium and linoleic acid. This is to decrease the chance of visceral fat gains... but I've also given in to cravings and fatty urges here and there. What's the fun in getting fat if I can't have my moments of reckless indulgence right? I'd say at least 80% of the time I'm sticking to healthy foods, if not more.

Anyways I've been keeping track of my waist size, weight and heavy cream calorie consumption for the day. I'll be posting my stats in this thread and updating it once a week.


Nov 9th:
Waist - 37. 6 inches, Weight - 82.9 kg
1300 calories of heavy cream

Nov 10th:
Waist - 38.6 inches, Weight - 81.5 kg
2000 calories

Nov 11th:
Waist - 37.4 inches, Weight - 82 kg
1300 kc

Nov 12th
Waist - 37. 5 inches, Weight- 82.3 kg
950 kc

Nov 13th
Waist - 38.1 inches, Weight - 82.3 kg
200 kc

Nov 14th
Waist - 37.7 inches, Weight - 82.2 kg
1700 kc

Nov 15th
Waist - 37.6 inches, Weight - 83.1 kg
900 kc

Nov 16th
Waist - 37.7 inches, Weight - 83.1 kg
1400 kc

Nov 17th
Waist - 37.2 inches, Weight 83.0 kg

Nov 18th
Waist - 38 inches, Weight - 83.5 kg
1000 kc

Nov 19th
Waist - 38 inches, Weight - 83.1kg
870 kc

Nov 20th
Waist - 37.6 inches, Weight - 83.5 kg
150 kc
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

i'm looking forward to seeing what your findings are.

if you're specifically trying to gauge if heavy cream helps you gain fat in areas other than the stomach it might be worth taking chest, hip, thigh, and even arm measurements too.
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

i'm looking forward to seeing what your findings are.

if you're specifically trying to gauge if heavy cream helps you gain fat in areas other than the stomach it might be worth taking chest, hip, thigh, and even arm measurements too.

Good idea. Starting Monday I'll do chest, hip and thigh measurements as well.

Goal of the experiment is definitely to see if heavy cream really does favour subcutaneous fat gains for me.
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

Heavy cream is the key if you want to gain subcutaneous fat!
The fat is gonna spread out all over your body, I was surprised how fast my body changed,I gained alot of back fat,hips,thighs,but most of all it
Changed the way my body feels… I have everywhere a layer of fat now, also it made me much flabbier and full of cellulite
Just look at my profile pictures for proof 😊
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

Heavy cream is the key if you want to gain subcutaneous fat!
The fat is gonna spread out all over your body, I was surprised how fast my body changed,I gained alot of back fat,hips,thighs,but most of all it
Changed the way my body feels… I have everywhere a layer of fat now, also it made me much flabbier and full of cellulite
Just look at my profile pictures for proof 😊
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

Heavy cream is the key if you want to gain subcutaneous fat!
The fat is gonna spread out all over your body, I was surprised how fast my body changed,I gained alot of back fat,hips,thighs,but most of all it
Changed the way my body feels… I have everywhere a layer of fat now, also it made me much flabbier and full of cellulite
Just look at my profile pictures for proof 😊

Yeah see that's the thing, I'm incredibly weary of any anecdotal evidence I hear on this forum for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you gained subcutaneous fat because of your genetics and not the cream?

People also sometimes start gaining in different areas only after surpassing a certain threshold (e.g. gaining a lot of thigh fat only after the initial 50lbs)

And of course there are a lot of individuals on here who have claimed Heavy Cream made them softer yet they sport pics that don't seem to suggest that.

So that's why the purpose of this experiment is for me to see what happens for myself. One of the benefits of this is that I'm currently below my peak weight of 200lbs (I'm 183 lbs right now) so I have a good idea of what I looked like with the extra 15 lbs. If my body composition is majorly different when I regain the weight with heavy cream then I will be much more convinced of its properties.
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

Heavy cream is the key if you want to gain subcutaneous fat!
The fat is gonna spread out all over your body, I was surprised how fast my body changed,I gained alot of back fat,hips,thighs,but most of all it
Changed the way my body feels… I have everywhere a layer of fat now, also it made me much flabbier and full of cellulite
Just look at my profile pictures for proof 😊

Yeah see that's the thing, I'm incredibly weary of any anecdotal evidence I hear on this forum for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you gained subcutaneous fat because of your genetics and not the cream?

People also sometimes start gaining in different areas only after surpassing a certain threshold (e.g. gaining a lot of thigh fat only after the initial 50lbs)

And of course there are a lot of individuals on here who have claimed Heavy Cream made them softer yet they sport pics that don't seem to suggest that.

So that's why the purpose of this experiment is for me to see what happens for myself. One of the benefits of this is that I'm currently below my peak weight of 200lbs (I'm 183 lbs right now) so I have a good idea of what I looked like with the extra 15 lbs. If my body composition is majorly different when I regain the weight with heavy cream then I will be much more convinced of its properties.

I believe regular exercise definitely helps. I think that if you exercise, assuming exercise doesn't burn more visceral fat than subcutaneous, there's a lot of studies going both ways, then you eat a subcutaneous fat focused diet, you burn evenly but gain subcutaneously. Don't have a lot to back that up, currently in the midst of trying it myself.

I've been going on hour long walks (roughly 6-8km) every day and taking psyllium husk. Both are supposed to reduce visceral fat in general so we'll see what happens.
2 years

My heavy cream experiment


I'm now 22 days into the experiment and these are my stats

On any given day I'm eating a minimum of 2700 calories and a maximum of 4500 calories, with a rough average of ~3000 calories.

Once a week I am eating foods that contain simple carbs or even sugars, but otherwise I am quite strictly sticking to whole grains, complex carbs, proteins and fats.

I have been mostly avoiding linoleic acid and eating foods high in omega-3 fats like avocados.

As you can see my waist measurements are steadily going up, so visceral fat gains are definitely real and happening.

Do I feel softer? Yes

Does that mean I'm gaining more subcutaneous fat than usual? I'm not so sure.

I've been this weight before and it definitely came with subcutaneous fat gains last time as well so it's hard to tell, especially since I've only gained around 7lbs so far.

I do feel like the speed of weight gain is ramping up though. You'll notice that in week 1 I barely put on weight but by weeks 2 and 3 I keep getting fatter lol
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

congratz on the gains so far! it looks like in this last week you've found a steady amount of heavy cream you can easily consume. i hope that helps you see a steady continued increase.

something worth considering - the increase in your waist may not be visceral fat, or at least may not be as much as you assume. some people store more fat in the stomach region regardless of the type of fat. it's just unfortunately difficult to gauge how much is visceral vs subcutaneous.
2 years

My heavy cream experiment

congratz on the gains so far! it looks like in this last week you've found a steady amount of heavy cream you can easily consume. i hope that helps you see a steady continued increase.

something worth considering - the increase in your waist may not be visceral fat, or at least may not be as much as you assume. some people store more fat in the stomach region regardless of the type of fat. it's just unfortunately difficult to gauge how much is visceral vs subcutaneous.

Thanks smiley

I definitely feel like I'm suddenly way fatter than I was just 2 weeks ago which has been fun!

As for my waist, I wouldn't say that my belly is all that soft honestly, only the very lower part of it. The area that I'm measuring is almost certainly visceral fat based on appearance and feel (and how much it sticks out)
2 years
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