FF Team:
It all needs to be hashed out but this is something we intend to get sorted for 2022. So if you have any suggestions on how we can make the personal ad's forum more user friendly , searchable and whatnot then please share your ideas with us!
FF Team
First: Happy 2022, Team FF and c00kie!
One place to start would be allowing multiple selections in the Gender and Fetish selectors, rather than single-choice. For example, what if a person wants search on foodies and feedies both? Yes, one can do separate searches, but why add that friction?
Then we circle back to the problematic Gender selector. male ≠ cisgender male in today’s world, though that’s what this selector implies. There’s also nothing for non-binary (no gender is wholly different!). There are already sliders for Age, Height, and Weight. I believe Gender will best be served with sliders for:
Physical/Biological gender: Male to Female
Internal/Personality gender (inside the person’s mind): Male to Female
Gender Presentation (appearance to others): Male to Female
Romantic Attraction: Male to Female and a separate slider for Aromantic to Passionately Romantic
Sexual Attraction: Male to Female and a separate slider for Asexual to Hypersexual
This sort of mechanism should be inclusive of friendships, dating, and just about any other form of interpersonal connection.
Traditional cis male FA looking for a romantic + sexual traditional cis BBW relationship? Set the first 3 sliders to hard Female, last two to hard Male (the person your seeking’s romantic and sexual attractions) and whatever percentages you deem a match for what you seek.
I see no way to get anywhere near this degree of inclusiveness and granularity with a pre-ordained list of words, short of a long one that will annoy people with its length. As myself and many others have repeatedly posted over the past several years, the existing selector, whilst well-intentioned, is far too limiting and exclusionary. (Not to mention that transgender comes in at least the two very different M to F and F to M flavors, and possibly others.)
See the defect in what i wrote? It assumes that a person is always, every day, at a fixed point on these ranges. Someone like me who’s more masculine-acting and -thinking and presenting some days and more femme other times has to pick a compromise setting. Ranges rather than points would be nice. But for now, sliders with fixed points would be such a drastic improvement over the few, contradictory current fixed choices, i’m alright with setting aside we gender blurries for now.