Lifestyle tips

Getting rid of the fetish?

In my personal experience, the more you try to get rid of it, the worse your need for it will get. I was so deeply repressed it ruined relationships and severely affected my mental health.

It seems unlikely that anyone is ever able to get rid of any fetish; I've never seen anything to suggest that it is possible.

I would recommend first that you don't try to get rid of it; repressing it will only make it worse.

I see two options for your happiness. 1, strike some kind of balance where you are able to indulge the fantasy regularly while losing weight the rest of the time

Or 2, learn to be happy in your fatter body and accept that it's right for you.
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

Agreement with those who’ve posted above here. Additionally, this…

Well I don't want to be fat. I don't want my friends and family to judge me.

People judge All. The. Time, whether consciously or otherwise. None of us can control other people. We can only (mostly) control ourselves and how we interact with/react to other people and the inevitable judgements. They’re judging you right now, perhaps favorably, so you’re less aware of it. It’s a personal decision what you do or do not do with others’ judgements.

I can't identify with the though of being big. I want others to still find me attractive.

Physically attractive? Personality? Other attributes? On the physical aspect, decades of witnessing others has shown me that fatness or lack thereof changes which specific individuals find a person attractive or unattractive (actually a continuum), but not really the number or percentage of people finding someone attractive anywhere on that fatness continuum.

Having written that, for many of us for many reasons, finding someone/ones for love and/or sex and/or whatever is challenging. I don’t think it has to do with fatness per se.

I could get fat, enjoy it at the fullest for a while and then go back. But then I read stories here about people having the most hard time losing weight, regains and addiction. Honestly goals, so hot lol, but scary. I want to be able to go back.

Not a medical/health expert here, just someone who’s been in this community for decades reading things, and has been over-exposed to medical information related to my personal survival. Everything i’ve read is that greater fatness is a one-way trip unless a person dedicates every day of life to counteracting natural tendencies. Specifically, last i read, once fat cells are created or expanded (i‘m not sure how that works), they never go away. You can empty them out, but they’re still there, and can refill easily the next time the body thinks it has to save up for what it considers the next famine.

Far and away the safest from what you’ve shared here is maybe going all-in on padding. I myself only do low-end “stuff pillows in and we’re done” padding. You might want to look into full-tilt cosplay/movie/video/TV fat suit high-end as realistic as possible padding. That for sure is 100% reversible. You might join the other padders here and elsewhere in the community raising padding to a higher level of awesome.

I'm exhausted of being conflicted with my urges to outgrow all my clothes and my rational part of the brain saying no not for you. A kink should be something you enjoy, not feel anxious about. Can I just get rid of this? Force myself stop thinking about it. Or will I be conflicted and confused until I finally give in?
I've gained around 10lbs during christmas. It feels exciting, but also bad. I just want to feel good.

1) Suggest loving the 10 pound gain you already have, with every drop of your passion for fatness. Maybe that’s real-world enough.

2) Feeling good is a personal issue apart from fatness, with which after decades of all kinds of therapy and many other things i still personally struggle. Fatness may be a factor and even pivotal (is for me), but there’s likely a whole lot else going on there. Deep diving into that, in whatever way(s) work for you, may prove informative and beneficial to your overall life.

Best Wishes finding your personal balance and best life!
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

In the first place, this fetish is healthy in most respects. Anything in the extreme is unhealthy. Anyone who has seen the movie "FEED" has a warped impression. Consider some of the depraved fetishes: ie: child porn.
Also consider the other weight-related fetishes, like anorexia and the pro-anna society. Two consenting adults being aroused by a mutual desire is healthy. Find someone who shares your desire. You will be much happier..
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

I've never seen the movie FEED at all. Even though I'm beginning feeder, I'm kinda interested in watching the movie for myself WARNING: Don't discourage me from watching the movie and NO SPOILERS !!!
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

You need to do what makes you happy, fuck everybody else. There is no joy in a life dedicated to pleasing others.

You can gain and lose the same ten lbs if that makes you happy. You can gain 100 lbs if that makes you happy. What is important is that it makes YOU happy. I've been an FA my whole life, was a fat kid then a skinny adult for 25 years. In the last two year I've put on about 25 lbs and am loving it. I feel sexy, which I honestly never did when I was thin. My level of self love has improved as my weight has climbed and life is getting better. I am able to say this after gaining, losing, facing the same mental struggle you are, and experimenting with rates of gain. (Funny thing about the mental struggle around judgement, for me, is I'm up 25lbs and no one seems to have noticed. It's mostly in my head apparently)

Staying away from these sites, or limiting exposure may be helpful as you figure out what you want/need in life may be beneficial. Many people are here solely for fantasy and role play and reading their stories of blowing up overnight are misleading and can be dangerous if taken as literal truth. (The human body can only process so much in a day. Big gains are possible, but you realistically want to keep your health in mind too.) That said, I find that this forum in particular is a great resource for information on healthy gaining, fat life hacks, retailers catering to larger people, support when you do run across the occasional ignoramus who thinks the have the right to judge you (FYI, they don't. Judgement is the job of the Divine, not mankind), and other information not so easy to find elsewhere.
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

Can I just get rid of this? Force myself stop thinking about it. Or will I be conflicted and confused until I finally give in?
I've gained around 10lbs during christmas. It feels exciting, but also bad. I just want to feel good.

No, you can’t. You are born with this fetish and you will die with it. It will always need some kind of outlet.

Try to enjoy it in private. You may not like it in public, but you may do in private. Weigh yourself, measure your belly, take pictures, whatever rocks your boat.

The weight you gained is not necessarily permanent. When i gain some over Christmas or holidays, I usually go back spontaneously to my normal weight when my eating goes back to normal. And even when it doesn’t, the gain is not that significant that you couldn’t loose it when you tried.

Other things you may do is bloating or an occasional stuffing. It will not make you gain, but may help to scratch that itch.

I also noticed that I was only focused on my own belly or gaining when I was single. When I have a BBW girlfriend it goes away and my fat fascination finds its outlet in my girlfriend. I identify primarily as an FA though, not as a gainer or feeder, so not sure if it works the same for you.
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

Can I just get rid of this? Force myself stop thinking about it. Or will I be conflicted and confused until I finally give in?

In my experience that's exactly what's gonna happen. One day you're just gonna have to make the decision. Only after having tried gaining will you be able to know if you want to stop or not. You need to go through the experience of getting the nasty comments from your family before you can actually evaluate if it's worth it or not.

I've been evading gaining all my life, I always thought I was on top of the game. I realised just recently that I was never in control because I was acting based on fear. I was actually being controled by that fear, fear of what others would say or think, of not being able to "go back" and so on.

The truth is that you can never "go back" in life, you can only go forward. And if the things that you decide to do leave a mark in your body, that's the proof that you lived. Yes, maybe it will become hard for you to lose weight if you decide to lose after having gained, but not impossible. Then you'll have the experience that many fat people have when they want to lose weight. Would it be difficult? Perhaps, but if you just go about in life avoiding anything that's not easy, you're gonna regret it even more.

"Choosing" not to gain when you feel the desire to do so (even if it's only unconscious) is not choosing at all, it's just avoiding to choose. I had the perfect chance to gain ten years ago, fresh start by myself in another country, and I didn't do it because I was scared of being fat. I regret it immensely now that I've finally admitted to myself that I really want to be a fat person. All those prejudices are just things that we've learnt from a world that regulates itself arbitrarily and agressively. There's nothing inherently bad or wrong with being fat. And if you're concerned about your health, which is fair, remember that it's always less unhealthy to try it the younger you are. The more you delay it with your doubts, the more time goes on, and the less young you become.

A few years ago I became overweight, just barely with a BMI of 25.1, because of the stress of being in a toxic relationship that isolated me from everyone. When it was over, I went back to my parents' house and my mum would always insist that I had to lñose the weight. It was uncomfortable and I lost it. It wasn't hard, but it took some months to lose the 18 pounds I had put on.

But now I know how it feels to be there, and I liked it immensely, I had never felt so much pleasure in my life. And I've had higher cholesterol being slim than being overweight. Also in retrospective, the ugly comments were irrelevant to living my life, they were just unpleasant to hear.

Finally, attractiveness is not AT ALL about how you look, it's a matter of attitude. I've had instances of failing to attract a girl I liked while being fit when I've felt without confidence, and succeeding easily with a belly when feeling confident. It's about the image you project with your attitude, not about how you look. And to be honest I think there's more closeted people who like chubbier people than they are willing to admit.

I hope this helps.
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?


You can get rid of it. The question is, do you want to?
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

The real answer, No, you can't get rid of this, you are on this kink forever, and not because i'm telling you, but because you like it and you know it, is what make you too and give you some form of identity in your life, is healthy being fat, of course not but that is not the issue here, you want be healthy and loved and attracted to more people in the traditional way, but that is selfish, that is not a good reason to be thin or healthy just to fit and being accepted, you could do it and felt better at first but then you will feel empty and would like to return to the old habit and remember how felt to be fat, watch fat porn again and enjoy life like the old days, you will have the same issue again and maybe if you losed weight you will gain the same weight or even more again, and then you will feel bad again.

The solution just do what you really want, no what you are suppose to do or what everybody in your life expect to do, just make sure you are comfortable with that, maybe a point in between where you keep some weight, enjoy the fetish with moderation, some days you have burgers some day you have salad and exercise and you switch depending how you feel, you don't have to be with just one option you can have both the real goal here is to be happy.
2 years

Getting rid of the fetish?

No, you're wrong. It can go away and it often does quite easily.
2 years
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