
Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

Says to take a shot of olive oil and chase it with cola? Sounds “sus” to me, as the kids are saying now :-)
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

I'd be wary of this method; olive oil can mess with your digestive tract if taken in too large quantities. The chase might alleviate the taste, but will do little to aid in its emulsification once ingested.

Can you elaborate on this?
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

Can you elaborate on this?[/quote]
It'll act as a laxative.
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

Because of Covid I've lost couple of pounds and now I am trying to regain them but healthy. I am starting this Fat Bomb thing today. Fist day I am gonna consume 200ml and if everything is alright I can try 300 for the next day smiley
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

Any luck so far?
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

I remember when Rubens Feeder was a skinny feeder. It is effective. Though rapid weight gain or loss (before the muscles and skin can adjust) has its 'tradeoffs'. Not 4 me, though for the 'I can't get obese quick enough' crowd, hopefully there won't be too many posts about unexpected ER visits.
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

Holy crap, I didn't exactly think it would be healthy, but is rapid weight gain really so damaging as to have potential for an ER visit?[/quote]

Exert more from your body especially when it's not able to adjust, can have disastrous effects for some (especially those with family histories of certain ailments etc). I know I'm biased; as I enjoy food and sodas vs taking shakes, concoctions etc. To each their own though.
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

Yea, I looked it up and I don't think it's for me. Part of the fun of getting fat is over-enjoying all the good food. I've chugged plain heavy cream so I'm not judging unconventional approaches but downing just over a half cup of olive oil daily is a bit too much.
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

I tried it for a few days and it‘s really something…

Ruben recommends having something to chug afterwards. That didn‘t work for me.

What did though is filling a glas with 2/3 of some juice. The oil will settle at the surface, but when you drink it in a fast manner, it can be kind if tolerable since it kinda mixes with each gulp. Also I would recommend distributing the doses throughout the day. I did three times 45ml.
For some reason, my stomach was cool about it, even at night, whereas HC had a chance to… well you know…

The effects where quite noticable in tandem with a higher calorie intake than normal. So much actually that it scared me and I dropped out of it for now. It helped me gain 2kg in a matter of days and it didn‘t fly off right after stopping.

The psychic part, Ruben mentions, works quite well too. You are in the mood, you do it and the damage is done, whether the clear-minded you likes it or not.

Since I‘ve never been really fat, feeling a layer of fat for the first time and seeing some very little skin irritations from stretching was a huge deal.

Maybe I‘ll continue today, not sure if I have acclimated myself with having a belly that can‘t be sucked in anymore just yet.
2 years

Has anyone tried the “fat bomb”?

I tried it for a few days and it‘s really something…

Ruben recommends having something to chug afterwards. That didn‘t work for me.

What did though is filling a glas with 2/3 of some juice. The oil will settle at the surface, but when you drink it in a fast manner, it can be kind if tolerable since it kinda mixes with each gulp. Also I would recommend distributing the doses throughout the day. I did three times 45ml.
For some reason, my stomach was cool about it, even at night, whereas HC had a chance to… well you know…

The effects where quite noticable in tandem with a higher calorie intake than normal. So much actually that it scared me and I dropped out of it for now. It helped me gain 2kg in a matter of days and it didn‘t fly off right after stopping.

The psychic part, Ruben mentions, works quite well too. You are in the mood, you do it and the damage is done, whether the clear-minded you likes it or not.

Since I‘ve never been really fat, feeling a layer of fat for the first time and seeing some very little skin irritations from stretching was a huge deal.

Maybe I‘ll continue today, not sure if I have acclimated myself with having a belly that can‘t be sucked in anymore just yet.

As someone who has trouble gaining do you think 5 tablespoons throughout the day will have an effect too (1 tablespoon is 15ml for reference)? I have trouble digesting olive oil and on the bottom of the article Ruben posted an updated version of the method that says it should be done by having 10ml of olive every few hours instead so I'm guessing that's the best for me but I'd like to hear your thoughts on it since you got results.
2 years
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