Interesting so I guess it's kind of a skill to get hypnotized.
Also Would you worry about the effects it has in the long run? Some of the suggestions from the hypnoses I listened to are things like "always hungry" and slower metabolism so I'm a bit cautious to actually seriously try it repetitively since I want to lose weight eventually but that itself could be what's preventing the results. Since I'm not getting results anyway it'd be safe to keep trying it to see if I get results right? I assume it's alright as long as the file itself isn't inherently dangerous.
While some people have a higher baseline suggestibility, becoming hypnotized and entering a trance is definitely something you can practice.
Tbh, I’m pretty skeptical hypnosis effects that aren’t mental/behavioral. I can’t imagine that physiological changes—like slower metabolism—are within the realm of pure suggestibility/hypnosis. Perhaps physiology could be altered slightly via SNS and ANS; for example, tumo meditation raises body temperature a bit, and presumably involves an accompanying metabolism increase, but that takes a LOT of practice.
As for hunger, when I’ve experienced hunger from hypnosis, it’s definitely felt different than normal hunger, but *very* compelling/motivating nonetheless. But I never experienced it very reliably. And certainly not lasting. But I think I’ve got a lower baseline suggestibility.
I personally wouldn’t worry about long-term effects unless you’re super suggestible or unless you work directly with a hypnotist for a long time.
If wouldn’t recommend gaining more than like ~5 or maybe 10lbs you don’t want to keep. Most people who intentionally lose weight eventually regain it, and most of the re-gainers end up gaining even more.
If you don’t want to gain weight in the long run, have you considered hypnosis to help with lucid dreaming or with altering your perceptions while awake? (such perceiving yourself as fatter than you are) The matter would probably involve hiring a hypnotist to make you files or work directly with you, but there’s lots of files intended to lead to lucid dreaming. (If you go that route, you might also consider binaural beats)