Fat experiences

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

It’s basically like that for me my whole life.
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

surely...it's fantastic to be told you're fat...
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

One of my favorite experiences was getting on the scale for my regular visit. The nurse had reviewed my chart and asked if I'd lost any weight since last appointment a couple of years ago. I told her no, so she set the scale to my previous weight, which at the time was a measly 250lbs. lol. I stepped on and a loud KLUNK insued. She slowly began adjusting the scale, passing 300, 320 and 350lbs, at which point she muttered under her breath "holy shit." I evened out at a cool 377lbs, the fattest I had ever been then. The looks and comments were unbearably hot.
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

One of my favorite experiences was getting on the scale for my regular visit. The nurse had reviewed my chart and asked if I'd lost any weight since last appointment a couple of years ago. I told her no, so she set the scale to my previous weight, which at the time was a measly 250lbs. lol. I stepped on and a loud KLUNK insued. She slowly began adjusting the scale, passing 300, 320 and 350lbs, at which point she muttered under her breath "holy shit." I evened out at a cool 377lbs, the fattest I had ever been then. The looks and comments were unbearably hot.

You were THAT MUCH bigger and she asked if you *lost* weight before stepping on the scale?? Where were you hiding it?!?! 🤣🤯
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

I purposely wear tight shirts when I visit my MIL, she can't help but comment or stare, especially after a couple glasses of wine. 🤣

I lost some weight over the Oct-Jan period, but am putting it back on quickly. I imagine I'll overshoot soon and keep packing it on (slowly?) after that.

Doc hasn't done an official weigh-in for a while, and when he does, I'm not sure I'll be able to contain myself. 🤯❤️
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

I too enjoy going in for a checkup and getting weighed.

I use the VA in the city I live, it's standard procedure to be weighed by a nurse and have blood pressure and temperature taken.

My doctor has never mentioned my weight except one time when I was still in the military reserves and I had lost weight.

I have gained over thirty pounds since I retired from the military reserves.

The only mention and hint of my being overweight was when his nurse asked me if I wanted to be enrolled in some veteran's weight loss program, I respectfully declined.

One other thing about going to the local VA, the weighting (pun intended) areas all have regular and extra wide chairs, I love to sit in one of the extra wide and imagine how much more weight I need to gain to "fit" in it.
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

Back when I was younger. Every time I went to the doctor and got on the scale, I felt a little aroused. Back then I didn't know why. Now I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I am anxious to be told how fat I am.
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

My friend that is slightly obese himself recently told me that I was getting fatter and that I'm at the start of becoming a fat person and suggested that I try to do something before it starts getting worse as it is for him as he is at about 230 and this made me so happy to have someone telling me I'm on a slippery slope to weight gain
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

Some man I didn't know said to me, " you're a fat C***" I smiled and said " yes I know, thanks" I get really turned on by people telling me I'm fat
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

I love this thread, so relatable. I started putting on some weight a couple years ago. I thought my Dr would mention it at my physical. She said 10 lbs was nothing to worry about. So I didn’t.

I put on another 30 lbs since. Going to the Dr this year I knew she couldn’t ignore my new weight. I was excited to hear about how much weight I’d put on and get a lecture on my ‘bad habits’.

We talked about not eating fast food/ take out, getting into an exercise routine. One of my favorite lines was that ‘carrying so much extra fat around my middle was unhealthy’.

I went and got Taco Bell afterwards. I was on fat girl cloud 9.
2 years
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