Extreme obesity

Complicite in making my partner immobile

I have seen my partner go from a plump young woman and become a mature woman with arthritis and COPD. Her mobility is now very compromised and standing is now not possible for more than a few minutes. She has used a mobility scooter to get about generally for some time. She is near 400 pounds and about 5' 3" tall. She has a wheelchair and she now needs to use it full time. Her monthly weight gain recently since becoming less and less active is currently about 8 pounds a month. She is older than myself and we agree in the past year she has aged significantly as she enters old age. She has been over weight for many years of her adult life and now it is taking its toll. We have discussed the subject of weight gain and she wishes to continue to much higher weights. She loves gaining weight despite of pain in her legs and back when standing. We have come to the conclusion that before very long she is going to become bedridden. Also i will become her full time carer. I have no issues with taking on that roll. But i can't say i feel totally guilt free. Because being a FA and being a feeder i have to say i am partly responsible for her imminent immobility and becoming bed bound. I find myself helpless and unable too stop her. I have enabled her and have no control to stop her. My emotions and desire stop me from preventing her gaining more weight and the now the inevitable full immobilty and becoming bed ridden. She has told me i have nothing to worry about its what she wants. I know that. ( She will have the chance to read this post ) i will tell her i have posted this. But as a feeder wanting to feed my partner to immobility it's now reality. I guess i am wondering how everyone views where i am today. The consequences
of many years encouraging your partner down the road of weight gain and immobility. Xxx
Then it actually becoming reality.
2 years

Complicite in making my partner immobile

You are wondering how everyone views your situation, and I will gladly tell you at least what I feel and think when I read your text. I am both impressed by her and afraid for you both, also sad and happy at the same time. Impressed because she has the will to go through suffering and risks her life to experience the extremes of her fetish, which is… kinda Übermensch-in-the-Nietzsche-way-like? She doesn’t sound like an unwilling participant, from what you wrote. She is courageous, though self-destructive, and the immobility fetish is a fascinating one too. I am afraid for you both - for her, because she might realize that she likes a mobile life more than she thinks now and because she basically risks it. For you, because you might go through a time of loss, mostly, and through a lot of hardship. I am happy for you both because you did find your ideal match, in a way. And sad because, well, her health will deteriorate even more when immobile.

I would not want to go through what you will go through, to be honest, as being a full-time caregiver is an exhausting job and I am more the type who would (if I was more of a feeder) want to take my still mobile BHM or BBW lover to an abundant picnic in the sun. Wouldn’t you two miss things like that?
2 years

Complicite in making my partner immobile

You've asked for our views. My first thought is if everyone is on board, rock on, have fun.

My second thought is, "Man, there's a lot to consider going into that". Like, in being a full-time caregiver--what happens if you become unable to care for her? Like an accident, or just aging yourself. If you've got the money or support network to care for you both in such a case, awesome, but personally, I'd be anxious about that.

My third thought is wondering what you feel guilty about, if it's what she wants as well. Personally, I could imagine feeling present guilt over the possibility of future regret, but I'm not you, so I don't know what you're experiencing.
2 years

Complicite in making my partner immobile

My wife is now totally immobile and I care for her every day she started to be come immobile due to health problems and having to give up work it can been hard a specialty as I am fat but I do work I always wanted to be immobile myself but can’t as there would be no one to care for the both of us it’s just me and her I have to stay as healthy as I can and there have been times where even getting a cold can be scary as if I am ill I don’t get paid at work but I would not change a thing she is so happy being immobile and it her happiness I care about the most what really does help is we started out as just a pair of lesbian slobs and with her being immobile now and me working coming home and not having to worry about cleaning up to much makes looking after her easer the biggest thing I would say to anyone wanting to life like this is money when we was both working it still did not have much money but we did ok now with just me working it is and can be hard so I would really consider that first
2 years

Complicite in making my partner immobile

Green trees
When i wrote the post i was maybe trying to highlight all the emotions.
For years we have discussed immobility. Possibly as far back as 20 years. Now reality is knocking on the door. As you can imagine it comes with a whole lot of emotions. She has always strived to become bigger, heavier. 20 years ago life got in the way. Now there is no restraints. My partner wants to experience immobility. I have encouraged and made it possible. We did this together with full consent. We are far from wealthy but we are financially stable. My partner does have health issues and i have found myself near death. Thanks to the fast reactions of paramedics and the NHS, I have recovered. But my partner is ready to take to her bed and i am ready to be her carer. As you pointed out it doesn't come easy. It leads to many additional questions. That you have to answer yourself. Also my partner is a little older than me. So basically i am about to embark on caring for a elderly ssbbw in the next few years.
So i thought it might be a interesting topic for other people to watch and see the journey. Maybe other people can take something or learn more about the subject, from our chosen path and where the future will lead us.
2 years

Complicite in making my partner immobile

Hi Peterkin.
All your points are valid.
I am glad your enjoying life and money is something we all need. Also having to work and be a carer must be difficult for you. But at least your happy with your partner. Money
has been a issue in the past for us as well but fortunately for us we are now financially stable.
2 years

Complicite in making my partner immobile

I am pleased you are financially stable.that will definitely remove that worry work and taking care of her is hard but some how we mate it work thank you we are happy and it’s what she needed and wanted so we when for it money hard but it’s the way she need so we just did it the biggest help was she wanted us to start off as fat slobs and as gross as it may sound to some people it’s been a real life saver to us it really helps with the working and care and would say if you partner wants to be immobile and you are happy to care for her go for it
2 years