Feedback and suggestions

Deleted messages / banned users should not count as a message view???

Hi Pudge Princess,

Thank you for raising this with us.

I agree with you that a message that has been unable to be read due to the profile no longer existing should not take up one of your message views.

When someone deletes there account or has been banned from the site, the information and content relating to there profile is removed. Which is why you can not see the message text.

We need to look into this by either looking to remove the message from the message list in the receivers inbox or by ensuring messages that are not able to be viewed don't come off the counter.

Apologies that has happened to you, it is a flaw with the messaging system that we do intend to fix.

Thank you,
FF Team
2 years

Deleted messages / banned users should not count as a message view???

Well.. Im bothered by a friend of mine deciding to delete their profile (which I've seen coming for the past months) however what upsets me the MOST isnt the fact that it takes one message view limit but the fact that I never got to see their last message to me!
2 years

Deleted messages / banned users should not count as a message view???

It'd be cool if there were no limit view restrictions.

This is the only site I think I've ever seen that limit how many messages you can look at in a day in the modern age besides dating sites. Even most of them have free messaging at the most basic level. If not all of them these days.

I am 100% sure women get hundreds of messages a month, that's a conservative guess. How many potential connections are never made because you have to pick and choose the messages you read and only get five and you pick the ones that just say "Hi, how are you?"

Something with little to no substance, and you get 55 of them every hour.

The whole situation is tiresome.

It is my suggestion to remove the message view limit entirely for the good of the whole site and everyone on it.

That way more meaningful connections might be able to be made and not every click feels like gambling and a waste of time.

It really is a good idea. Limits on a feederism website seems like a huge contradiction in ideals anyway.

You only get five views? Ha..that's like getting five potato chips, then putting the bag back and staring at it until the next day when you get have ONE more.

Just get rid of the limits. Easy fix.
2 years

Deleted messages / banned users should not count as a message view???

I think they need to make it limited so they can have a subscription service to pay for the site hosting

Yeah, that's pretty much why. The web site hosting, income for the owner (I believe this may be his chief source of income), and other business overhead, since the amount of time to work on this is not insignificant. As someone who has an online service of his own, I have an idea of what it's like.

The thought of running ads in the past has been explored, except that most advertisers are unwilling to advertise on web site that contain adult-oriented subject matter.

But one thing I've wondered about sometimes, is if the restriction could somehow be changed from 5 message thread views a day, to 5 message thread replies a day. This would make it a lot easier to get around the problem of very low effort messages like "Hi" or "You're hot."

It's unclear what impact this may have on subscription rates. On one hand, it may reduce subscriptions if you can view however many you get. On the other hand, it could then increase subscriptions if you aren't able to write enough replies. I've also been under the impression that viewing videos and pictures is what primarily drives subscriptions but I can't be certain. That's not information I'm privy to. But I can't help but wonder if some kind of change could be made that'd be both popular and have little impact on this.
2 years