Body inflation

Has anyone swallowed alka-seltzer tabs?

I heard about this on reddit, does anybody can tell my is this good for health and how to do it. Someone wrote like you need to break the tab in half and swallow with drink of choice. So if i use like carbonated drinks it will bloat me more or smh? I really appreciate all answers.
2 years

Has anyone swallowed alka-seltzer tabs?

This doesn't really do much.

Sort of a weird aftertaste and the effects aren't noticeable.
2 years

Has anyone swallowed alka-seltzer tabs?

Don't do it! Instant puke!
2 years

Has anyone swallowed alka-seltzer tabs?

Seconding the above: it'll make you vomit.

Try poprocks and Diet Coke instead.
2 years