Extreme obesity

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

Okay so so there's something about a guy that eats himself to the point where his belly hangs down between his knees and has moobs bigger then most women!!! Idk are there any guys here to want to be absolutely massive? And why do you want to be so huge????smiley

I wanna be immobile cuz it's absolutely sexy top point in gaining, where you can indulge as many as you want, this awesome deep and warm feeling inside your body, large belly that's low enough to touch the ground! ❤️
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

I wanna be immobile. But I doubt I will ever find a real feeder who seriously wants to make me immobile.
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

While I don't if it would ever become an actual lifestyle in my case, there's definitely some appeal to immobility. Mostly being pampered, not having to worry about most responsibilites, and the sense of helplesness. Just looking at that that massive body and realizing all of it's you, and people are not supposed to be that huge.
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

The thought of immobility really thrills me, weighing over 1,000 lbs and being dependent on others for food and help. I'd be happy just being fed all day until I'm so super fat.
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

I am getting large, it is a challenge to live bigger. But I am draw to it like a moth to a flame. I am hard wired to what to be huge. I just love the feeling of weight, the jiggle of fat, rolls of fat sitting and pushing on other rolls for space to grow. A hanging belly that rubs on my legs and swings when you waddle.

Wow you just described an entire host of sensations that are so foreign to me I can't even come close to imagining it
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

If you can't handle the possibility of being alone, isolated or dependent on sometimes uncaring staff to assist you with hygienic needs..the regrets may be deeper than you expect.

There are overambitious feeders who sometimes mean well but experienced burn out dating someone 4-600lbs much less caretaking for them even with occasional home health aides and visiting medical staff.
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

I want to be immobile because I can't really see myself ever stopping my weight gain (I've tried a few times and it actually sucks) and the idea of being so.. BIG that I can't even get out of bed, that I'm just stuck in bed all day because of my fat, it sounds pretty good
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

If you can't handle the possibility of being alone, isolated or dependent on sometimes uncaring staff to assist you with hygienic needs..the regrets may be deeper than you expect.

There are overambitious feeders who sometimes mean well but experienced burn out dating someone 4-600lbs much less caretaking for them even with occasional home health aides and visiting medical staff.

One thing that concerns me much... I'm looking for a family, ideally my lover her sister & mother lol....ikno soley 1 person/caretaker is gona worn out early/need a night off
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

I have been with girls that wanted me to be 300+
It really encouraged my need to be huge.
I’ve always wanted to be as big a blob as possible.
My sexiness overflowing while my girlfriends feed and clean me
I want the feeling of being so massive and able to put my weight onto my lovers
2 years

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

Wow your lucky wish I could meet someone like that..
2 years
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