Lifestyle tips

Always out of breath

Just walk. It probably won't burn enough calories to stop a gain, and your increasing heft will make your calves adjust.
2 years

Always out of breath

You can have fitness with fatness. I mean, eventually even if you are quite fit you'll breath heavily in a lot of situations due to how much weight you are moving around, but for sure you can push that to future weights some.

Walking, or really any other activity, done at a rate that makes you breath a bit harder and get a bit warm, is really all it takes to start improving your fitness (as you get fitter, the pace you have to go at to reach that state will increase).

Also, umm, at your height and weight I think most people would think that you are already fat .... but of course around here 'fat' is just a starting point smiley
2 years

Always out of breath

I'm madly in love with a woman so fat she wakes me up in the middle of the night, panting and whimpering as she struggles to roll out of bed and waddle to the toilet.

She's also very active (after she gets help standing up) and multiple doctors have raved about her heart and cardio health.

So from my experience, mobility problems are not necessarily health problems. More like convenience and logistical problems. Think about it, it doesn't matter how healthy you are- if you get that obese, there's a LOT of you to move around, and everything is just going to get real hard and take extra time.
2 years

Always out of breath

Getting out of breath going up the stairs or walking a short way is normal, if you're fat. I go and have a couple of minutes sit down after the stairs, to recover my heart rate. (I'd worry if I was out of breath for no efforts or if my heart rate didn't return normally) I'm twice as heavy as an average person my height so in effect I'm carrying a whole extra person everywhere I go. Like 150lb backpack. I think I'm doing well to even manage what I do, from that perspective! You're probably in a similar place? I enjoy the pull of my heavy fat and the need to take time over activities - and to avoid some things completely. It's part of the thrill of increasingly extreme obesity for me. As I'm gaining I'm thinking about how it will feel when I reach the weight of three people my height who are a minimum healthy weight - that's 28lb away. I'm expecting a struggle and to be that bit nearer needing a bariatric stair lift. I want to hear that motor strain :0)
I already use a mobility scooter for getting out and about which I wouldn't need if I wasn't so fat and getting fatter. I'll need a bigger one by the time I'm 3 people heavy lol
My BMI hit 50, so it's all expected.
Maybe do some aqua aerobics. I enjoy that - it's good for stretching but won't wear any fat away.
Also the feeling of going up the steps out of the water afterwards is amazing. When you've been much less aware of your weight for an hour in the water and then you get out - the immense loading in such a short time is how I'd imagine it'd feel if you wished to put on 70lb by magic and it suddenly arrived all at once.

This is so hot! Congratulations on your gain.
2 years

Always out of breath

You need to be active i guess, i dont do any exercise only work and sleep and that made me veeery heavy, after covid especially i noticed i felt much more lazy and tired, covid definetly did some damage cause i feel heavier than ever even thou i was fatter couple years ago, sometimes i even get winded just waking up from bed and that never happened before
2 years

Always out of breath

I get out of breath going down steps! How messed up is that? Lol
2 years

Always out of breath

As I'm gaining I'm thinking about how it will feel when I reach the weight of three people my height who are a minimum healthy weight

I hadn't thought about weighing myself in terms of people. I'm so close to 3, I have to go for this now.
2 years

Always out of breath

What is your lung capacity? Some physical exams have you blow into a tube to see how much air you can hold or exhale. If your doctor is biased towards you, you will need to possibly make the effort to travel further away or make appointments with different doctors.
2 years

Always out of breath

My gf weighs about 300 right now and she says she used to get out of breath easily too, but ever since she started walking to work and back it has helped her breathing and stamina even though she has stayed the same size. I would say if you want to improve your health and fitness while maintaining or gaining, keep a routine of slow cardio every day to upkeep your stamina and mobility. Personally I also like to lift weights and that helps me a lot with my energy and stamina as well. Also keep an eye on yoir macros and micro, not just your calories. Gaining and being a feedee can be fun, but health is important too, and there's nothing sexy about nutrient deficiency.
2 years