Lifestyle tips

How to avoid rushing the gain

Be aware of your intake and calorie needs. This is also true of getting fatter past a point. You need more sustaining calories surprisingly quick.
2 years

How to avoid rushing the gain

A handful of things:

Stay active as you gain. - Not only is it good for your health, but you'll have better control over your gains.

Have a gaining budget. - Set aside a certain amount of money a month for gaining related things. Food, drinks, clothing, etc. Once the money's gone for the month, you have to wait until next month. This way you can gain without breaking the bank and make better choices.

Don't eat mostly junk. - It's made to be addicting and is very good at fattening. Eat normal food, but it larger portions

Take gaining breaks. - It's very easy to get consumed by this fetish. Take regular gaining breaks to give your body time to adjust. Plus, it helps you to remember you are more than your kink.

It's okay to say no. - This is mostly for the feedees. It's very easy to get caught up in your feeder fattening you up. Especially if they are very good at it. If you are getting fatter faster than you like, it's okay to pump the breaks a bit. Eat something less fattening, get smaller portions or even pause things. A feeder that tries to make you keep going is toxic and not worth your time.
2 years

How to avoid rushing the gain

Don't eat mostly junk. - It's made to be addicting and is very good at fattening. Eat normal food, but it larger portions

i think this is the best advice i have seen on this site, honestly lol!

my gain started as my partner at the time was teaching me to really enjoy the indulgence of good food (and drink). i gained my first 60 lbs eating a lot of really great food (and drinking a lot of excellent and exotic beer and wine).

not only can you get fat eating healthier, better food, you can enjoy the experience - not just in watching the scale numbers go up, if that is your goal, but also just in the experience of taste, texture and flavours of delectable meals. become a slave to my desire to try more, to taste more, probably was the biggest shift for me.

when i was a gym rat i ate very lean, very sparse meals. and they were often very dull, too! now that i am a fatty, i find myself looking forward to different dishes and restaurants all day long. i still eat my fair share of junk (trying to cut down on it though). but there is soooo much more enjoyment in good food!
2 years