
Site verification

You may have noticed the little blue shields with the checkmark on some people's profiles.This is a verification by the site administration,that the person behind this profile is who they say they are.Hopefully this may help people weed out the pretenders or those unwilling to clarify things beyond their word.If you haven't done a verification,go to your profile & you will see a place to do it.Click on it & follow the rules.It's that simple.
2 years

Site verification

Thanks for highlighting the verififcation feature again drag.

What you waiting for... Go get verified folks!!!
2 years

Site verification

I've tried to get verified a few times but nothing ever happened. I also tried messaging an admin about it but I never heard back. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly.
2 years

Site verification

I've tried to get verified a few times but nothing ever happened. I also tried messaging an admin about it but I never heard back. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly.

I can’t actually test this on my account since i’m already verified and did it long enough ago that i don’t remember any details. Here are the instructions i was given to use as a moderator when asking an unverified member to verify:

To verify your profile you simply need to submit a photo of yourself showing your face and a hand written sign saying 'Fantasy Feeder'. Go to 'My Profile', on your profile page you will see a pink button on the right that says 'Verify'. This will open a pop up box, where you can upload the verification photo as described above.

If this is not working, please contact the FF Team account here for fastest/best resolution. They have verification experience/expertise and resources i do not.
2 years

Site verification

I've tried to get verified a few times but nothing ever happened. I also tried messaging an admin about it but I never heard back. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly.

I am not sure which admin you got in touch with but please accept my apologies that you have not had a response.

I have checked the verification section and can see that we do have an verification request from you so I have approved this for you today!

I hope that helps!

FF Team
2 years

Site verification

I've tried to get verified a few times but nothing ever happened. I also tried messaging an admin about it but I never heard back. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly.

FF Team:
I am not sure which admin you got in touch with but please accept my apologies that you have not had a response.

I have checked the verification section and can see that we do have an verification request from you so I have approved this for you today!

I hope that helps!

FF Team

Thank you so much c00kie!
2 years

Site verification

So I'm trying to get verified as well, but I can only seem to get my profile 97% complete.

Can someone please have a look at my profile and see if I'm missing anything?

Maybe the last 3% is just getting verified? If so I already sent a verification photo and I wait a bit.

Thanks in advance!
1 year

Site verification

So I'm trying to get verified as well, but I can only seem to get my profile 97% complete.

Can someone please have a look at my profile and see if I'm missing anything?

Maybe the last 3% is just getting verified? If so I already sent a verification photo and I wait a bit.

Thanks in advance!

Looking at your profile, I think I see the problem. You didn't fill out the dating section. It's possible to have your profile 100% complete and not be verified. I know this because I'm not verified and my profile is at 100%.
1 year

Site verification

So I'm trying to get verified as well, but I can only seem to get my profile 97% complete.

Can someone please have a look at my profile and see if I'm missing anything?

Maybe the last 3% is just getting verified? If so I already sent a verification photo and I wait a bit.

Thanks in advance!

Looking at your profile, I think I see the problem. You didn't fill out the dating section. It's possible to have your profile 100% complete and not be verified. I know this because I'm not verified and my profile is at 100%.

Is there anything in particular that you can see? I put in zero kids, but it doesn't actually show up if you do that, so that part looks unfilled out. I tried putting in an actual number and saved it, but that didn't help either...
1 year

Site verification

So I'm trying to get verified as well, but I can only seem to get my profile 97% complete.

Can someone please have a look at my profile and see if I'm missing anything?

Maybe the last 3% is just getting verified? If so I already sent a verification photo and I wait a bit.

Thanks in advance!

Looking at your profile, I think I see the problem. You didn't fill out the dating section. It's possible to have your profile 100% complete and not be verified. I know this because I'm not verified and my profile is at 100%.

Is there anything in particular that you can see? I put in zero kids, but it doesn't actually show up if you do that, so that part looks unfilled out. I tried putting in an actual number and saved it, but that didn't help either...

All I see is your about me and interest section. That's it.
1 year
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